Windows 7 beta

I'm thinking about installing it but I was wondering, is it working properly atm? Or does the beta version still has many irritating bugs? Or should I better wait on the "real" windows 7 wich should come out in a month or smth?!

Doesn't have any annoying bugs really. it will run most things fine, (daemon tools wont run) Im running a duel boot with xp that does me.
daemon tools pro works for me
Really? I tried pro to and it just wouldn't run even in xp mode, googled and some people had same problem, used a free program in the end and it was just as good!
Didnt even have to run compatibility mode
virtualclone drive works just as good.
think thats what i used aswell
you can just uninstall your xp partition because your new graficcard wont have xp support 8)
I never mentioned uninstalling xp? and yes it does asus and gigabyte already have xp drivers out, go google.
A driver for xp comes on the disc, you just won't be able to use it to its full potenional on xp which is obvious anyway (i.e dx11)

not to mention theres an msi one:

and an asus one

But I really can't be bothered to argue with you anymore -.-
what are you talking about dude?

After the beta, there was a RC version and now the RTM version... its working perfectly. No problems at all, even playing ET.
full windows 7 is out already, and should be released any time ( a month my ass)
The full version has already been released to manufacturers (no beta, no test version just 100% final) and leaked onto the internet. This is the one you want:

Microsoft Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86 OEM DVD-BIE

or 64bit Microsoft Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64 OEM DVD-BIE

I'm using the 32bit (first one) right now and it works fine. And this is the crack you will need to Activate it (make it "legal")
hehe ok thxs, but I'm going to let my shop put a new pc together. So I doubt that they'll want to install illegal software on it.. I know they want to install the RC version on it cause that's legal etc etc.. Do you know if the RTM version is for free to or not?
No the RTM version is not free and I don't think they are allowed to sell any PC with it installed yet. If I was you, get them to build the PC but tell them you don't want then to install an OS on it, and then just install Windows 7 yourself. It will also save you a lot of money. If you really want them to install a legal version of Windows 7, wait until the 22nd October as this is the retail release date.
hmm but I want to order it this week :s I also want them to install the whole pc for me. I can let them install windows7 RC for 15€ on it. Is that a decent version? I mean, will I experience the full windows 7 version, wich comes out on 22nd, as a better working OS?
I wouldn't use the RC probably has an expiry date too. It's honestly not that hard to install Windows 7 final. If you install it yourself, you will have to install the graphic card drivers and sound drivers yourself, and you are set. If you go to the motherboard manufacturer site it should have all the drivers you need in one place anyway. Use this to find the mobo model
yeah I know how to install windows and format etc. I've done it on my current pc a few times.. But I'm just scared that an illegal version could fuck up my whole new system if it ain't working fine :s So that's why i want the shop to install it(a legal version..). Or is it impossible that a cracked version could damage my hardware?
There's no way it can fuck up your hardware/PC. The crack doesn't do anything to the bios or modify any hardware, it just cracks the software (Windows 7) itself.
Alot of places are doing deals with OS that if you install vista you get a free win7 upgrade look into that if you really wanna have a 'legal' OS, waste of money tho it really is.
XP > all
7.0 is actually an improvement, unlike vista
agreed, but still need some fixes. Vista was a failure.
downloaded Windows 7 Pro x64 Polish RTM from MSDN two days ago, will install it soon :P
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