FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

shit referee, go fuck urself fucking idiot. jesus mother fucking christ stupid fagg
and my fist is bleeding, was impossible to not hit the fucking aquarium behind me after the score.. not surprised that referee was suspended from being in charge of matches in scotland for doing some major misstakes.. :) gg fucking whore
what are you talking about ?
youtube link!
It doesn't matter, they fucking suck anyways, kan ju inte göra nåt rätt, helt värdelösa...
ty Denmark for moneyzzzzzzzz
lolz, Denmark won 1-0 against Sweden.
Denmark is qualified for South-Africa.
If Portugal wins tonight, Sweden is gonna be 3rd in that group.
please shut the fuck up
I feel sorry for Sweden, but Zlatan is gay
Hahah you just got fucked in the ass of the danish dynamite, skide svenskere :DD zlatan den neger!<3
btw who was the ref?
Spain Mejuto González
lulz, expected Howard Webb
2 fucking goals for swe :@

Goal scored by Jakob Poulsen, who is playing for the team I follow! :D
related to Christian or Flemming?
No, not at all.

Poulsen is a very common surname in Denmark.

Bonus info: He played for Heerenveen, before he came to "my club".
hehe, yeah, Poulsen is probably like "de Vries" in the Netherlands
Heerenveen is quite fond of Scandinavians. I am too, but I prefer Swedish girls ;-)
Hahahahahhahahahahaha hvor kan i lære det!!!! =DDDDDDDDDD Denmark > Sweden wooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
=D det er sgu ik fordi vi spillede specielt godt men fuck hvor er det nice at smadre sverige :DDD det gør altså bare livet lidt bedre!
gå hjem og knep din moar.. gå hjem og knep din moaar!
gå hjem og knep din moar.. gå hjem og knep din moaar!
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