External Crosshair allowed?

I searched a bit on crossfire but I couldn't find an answer to my question.

Is it allowed or not?
omg nice pic :D:D:D
Depends which game.
What he said ^^^^^
Draw a dot on your screen :p
depends what one you have!
no, it's not allowed
public yes , competition no
since clanbase doesn't pay their bills, they don't have a website anymore (I guess). But it said something like: "All usage of external programs which manipulate, enhance or interracts with the game are not allowed (for example: dyna-counter or rivatuner)."

So no, it's not allowed.
QuoteIf you get caught with it, bye bye, if not well, your lucky.

ehmmm, wouldn't the same apply for an actual cheat ?

a gray area is what the 180 turn script and tj scripts used to be, according to the rules this wasn't allowed but players weren't punished if they were caught with one (this has changed)
oh dear.
i got linked here on msn, figured it was posted earlier today :XD
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