hAlP mE pLeAsE!

buying new phone thinking about lg arena and samsung jet which one do you recommend for me?

LG arena

image: lg-arena

Samsung jet

image: samsung_okos_jet_2
either is good, I got a samsung s5600v for less than 200€ and it works like a charm!

I fucking love my 3GS. Everyone should have one!
HTC Touch HD is better :)
smart guy :) <3
please don't say iphone i won't buy that too expensive here just suggest me some of these 2
do you choose your phone by its functions? i mean afterall it is all about calling, so why not go for something that's rather cheap'ish & works. rather than something that costs a fortune.
then i bet you got a ten year old big phone which good for phoning and sending messages nothing more. And you got the other good function you can build houses with a few phone like that. Am I right?
seems as you don't know fuck all about what you're buying/wan't to buy. You're going for an LG phone(cause ooh it's got a fancy touchscreen), which (oh surprise surprise) isn't good afterall. Meanwhile you could go for an older( does not mean a phone from the 80's) phone, that's got nearly all the same functions but is more reliable.
Well i have read everything about these 2 phones i also have read test too I'm just curious what should i buy cause i wan't some of these 2. I really like these phones but i can't choose myself since I've never had these phones in my own hand I just asking crossfire which one do they think are better or something. After that you came and say that buy a cheaper phone if you only need it for phoning. OKY BIBUY
i'm not stopping you from buying either of these now, am i? i just can't see the point of paying half of the mobile value for some useless gadgets.
i have to agree.
but the most people think that they could replace with these gadgets other things like mp3player,camera,organizer and stuff. but they simply forget to ask themselves whether they need that stuff or not. and these gadgets sucks compared to a real camera.
there is more than just function. you are not thinking out of the box...
there's the society, there's the brand name, there's the price as well (the more expensive item you buy, the more you will actually enjoy it)
you need to learn more about sells and then talk :P
doubt i'd be a sales representive, if i don't know anything about sales/market. what i wrote above, is from my point of view. i don't buy a phone cause it looks awesome or attracts people. i buy a phone for the simple reason - for the calls. Aslong as i can do that with a phone, and it doesn't exactly look like it's from the 80's i'm ok with it.
sure, its because you don't care about your phone, your ideal phone = text and calls. nothing is bad in it, but that is not what everyone wants, some people DO want to feel something different in their hand, something expensive, they care about what they are holding
it's all matter of the importance of the item the person wants, so basically, your point is only valid to people who don't care about what their phone has
(bad english?)
yep, that's pretty much what i had in mind. and i didn't say there's anything bad about buying a fancy phone, luckily i don't see any of the cf users in real life, but i do have a couple of friends/relatives who'vebought an expensive phone, and they just keep on annoying me with their gadgets, that tbh are useless :P
man seriously, if id buy an iphone, its basically just to show off...really lol
i think that's pretty much the whole point of the iphone :D
LG Arena!
buy the LG

it's great entertainment the first few times it switches language to something random automatically and the icons are being swapped aswell... so you have to click 'contacts' to get into your 'settings' menu and so on

but it gets less funny after a few 'restore to factory settings' ;<

and to all iphone users... what the fuck how can you support a company that wants more than 1 0 0 0 € for their unlocked product if you can't buy it with a contract
fucking retard capitalist brand, sucking out customers for a fucked up bullshit
all touchpad phones except iphone suck :(

well bb has some nice ones i think?

a friend of mine had the samsung omnia and the touchpad was just horrible :x
and ofc no good apps :(

maybe samsung jet is better now.. dont know anything about the lg.
i would say Samsung
NEVER get a LG...

btw, asking on a page like crossfire will be a fail!

95% is spam anyway and 4% are answers from guys that dunno shit bout it...better take some time and search for some good tests and reviews bout the phones...
Nokia 3210

old school baby <3
i lost it 6 weeks ago at hamburg kiez :/
best ever! <3
you can't destroy that machine, just impossible
Nokia5800 i just got it ;) its awesome
Same here, great phone :)
at first i saw a weedpipe :D
LG is shit
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