tresor anyone??

Hey i just made plans with mates to go to berlin around new year.

we're going club Tresor NYE.. should be pretty kick ass i think :)

image: 327265838_36d24e8344image: tresor_1

it's in some old powerplant. Any other suggestions where we could go clubbing on other nights?? <3 or something we have to see (i've been 2 berlin once before and it was really great, i end up in partying in empty buildings with some ppl)

cheers flame on! :D

image: HotChickInPinkPanties
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kindercrash daar jeweetzelf bro
zal meevallen denk ik beter dan hier erges in een halfgare discotheek :D
store-house with lights
powerplant* :)
Kom is op xfire, oh en btw kut lied&lekkerepicca
ja kweet was random deze remix is wel rlxd btw :)
tresor is already out some time...
friend of mine told me it was still there bummer then maybe there is some NYE party?

Edit: seems opened to me :/
henk ga naar club weekend @ alekanderplatz, ben dr 2 weekjes geleden geweest. gaato m 12 uur open ..
ok zal het eens opzoeken thanks woody <3

Edit: is dit een deel ervan ?? ziet er wel rlxd uit anders :)
hot randompic is hot
that was the intention! i google hot chick!! :D
The pics from your topic show the old Tresor ---its now on a new place .And its not what it was before.Its a club for young peoples not the real techno/elektro scene.:but im sure you will have a great time here .
ah ok yeah that figures bit disappointing :p might change our plans then.. dunno yet thanks for the info though :)
Try ,,Watergate ,, another great club with nice musik and peoples and great djs -but you will have to buy your tickets before because its new year and everyone will be here.But best thing buy a clubguid and change the clubs and stay where you be happy -here enough partys around.
ok thank u i'll look into that for sure :)
tresor? nah... tourist attraction...

if you want to visit a famous club... berghain ftw... if you can pass this guy at the door:

image: sven_m_panorama_bar

btw, berghain was voted #1 club worldwide but there are so many great undergound clubs in berlin
yeah i found that out last time i went but i'll try get in that club then for sure :D
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