Only for swedes

Guys, im going to sweden in 24 of october and im wondering if anyone knows some shop snus-shop in STOCKHOLM which sells THUNDER FROSTED / THUNDER BLUE with cheap price -[ going to buy many rolls ]? (need address)

Im would be really grateful :)
any kiosk & supermarket? :-S
What are the prices?
I have heard that some places there are rolls prices 35USD and so on for thunder
I dunno lol, better ask wizzel` at irc.
Buy from ferry doh.
There are no thunder-snus on ferrys only other stuff
General white portion , good shit.
ask Sweden Domi
Ma ise ka otsisin täiega, kui käisin stockholmis. Kesklinna poodides/kioskides oli kõik muu aga mitte Thunder :< mu naine nägi seda aga kuskil äärelinnas
the best
smoke cigz
Situ pihku prill.
why only for swedes?!?!?! iz it becuz i iz black?
I said that you rock man.
need mensu lapid on juba nii eilnepäev
omg need mensu lapid on ju nii eilnepäev :S
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