Linux problem #131233123

after my journal last night about having epic fps lags in linux, I tried to run ET without et-sdl-sound and still its lagging like hell. The FPS seem to be stable 125 until I move to some open areal, they instant drop to 70 and below. It aint the settings since in windows I can get over 250 with my config

another problem is that watching flash videos simultaneously lags like hell, so I guess its the graficsdriver.

I installed it over the restricted-manager, should i maybe try to install it directly from the ATI site?
you should always use the newest drivers from ati.

(build yourself the deb packages, dont be a retard and install them the old way!
sh ati-driver-installer-<FGLRX-VERSION> --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty )

flash and gaming = no can do.

xorg is shit. you could try tweaking your kernel.. low latency settings, 1000 hz, etc etc!
gimme some advices for the xorg.conf, and how should I uninstall the driver from the restricted-manager?
when you build yourself the deb package from the ati driver you dont need to deactivate the restricted driver... (in fact you must not!) just install the new packages.

and leave your xorg.conf like it is, theres really nothing you can do.. and ofc as plekter said, compiz needs to be turned off..
linux :D is your problem, i remember when i tryed playng et on ubuntu, all the time stmh needed to be changed drivers,maus setup etc......
iam sitting everyday 9h infront of a ubunut pc and Iam really sick of this lagging piece of windows shit when i come home
got vista here and is just perfectly running :p
Disable compiz, disable the Composite extension in xorg.conf, should gain you a bit of FPS
how much is 'a bit' ? because Iam playing with a highdetailed config and its pretty harrasing that i get loads of fps in windows but only lags in linux 8(
Dunno, test it! :P

In xorg.conf:
(Backup the original first!
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf $HOME/xorg.conf.bak

If anything goes wrong, log into terminal and type

cp $HOME/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf

as root.


Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "disable"

at the bottom.

But before you do that, disable Compiz by selecting "No desktop effects" (or whatever it's called in ubuntu).
get an RT kernel and chrt

(in ubuntu/debian:
aptitude search linux-rt
and download the first compatible one, this may screw up some drivers)

then to run et

chrt -f 99 ./etded.x86

(or chrt -f 99 ./et_ds or whatever that sound fix thing is called)
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