cfg help :>
14 Oct 2009, 10:30
morning guys!
is there a way to get rid of those fucked up angles in my config?
i mean the "broken" shit in the red there a way to have it like in the green one? it´s rly annoying when your´re looking around...
is there a way to get rid of those fucked up angles in my config?
i mean the "broken" shit in the red there a way to have it like in the green one? it´s rly annoying when your´re looking around...
or new graphic card
i guess it´s not bout the gfx-card :D
com_hunkMegs sets the allowed memory for the graphics of the game.
/seta com_hunkMegs 256
Values example: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 (of course it can be between them, higher or less also)
Don’t use more than 3/4 (75%) of your actual memory in your computer.
Usually 256 or 512 is fairly enough, even for the most complex enemy territory map graphics.
well, helped a lil bit, but still looks shitty :/
It will kill your FPS though.
and go to your vidcard driver, and set up there, everything on the highest