Your Budget 2

According to my latest journal

How much do you think you will earn in the future (realisticly, I know you'r all billionairs) and in what function.

(Yes it's for a research I have to perform , incomes & expenses in different country's)
i dont like you
100k monthly.
well im getting 800 pound a month for working 5 days a week 5 hours a day.

once it gets to Christmas time ill be working 10 hours a day 5 days a week, therefore gettin 1600 pound a month.

800 x 12 = 9.600 a year
1600 x 12 = 19.200 a year
so u finished studying? and what are u working at?
yeh finished studying, working for parcel force (basicly loading vans with parcels (packages) and scanning them, the parcels are from all over england.)
studying = university ??
no studying means, school and one year of college (im only 17)
ah k :o
thought u finished university and are going to be a packer ^^

hf and gl =)
you left college/6th form to work for parcel force fulltime?
well left college to work (fucking hated college) got this job which im quite happy with.
oh god lucky you...such an fine job for such amount of money
yeh its very good tbh not hard work (some packages can be quite heavy but no big hustle)
What kind of a job is it? Ok nvm I saw your answer above

im the one that loads and scans all of the packages into the vans, so they are ready to get delivered.
is this really the right place to ask??
Where else can I find so many different cultures in one place?
through actual researches????
and u cant seriously think that any of the content a cfusers supplies u is reliable :o
just because you are an stupid kid that thinks that the whole cf is whiny kids doesnt mean it's true, there are enough decent people here
but there are enough idiots here aswell =D
yeah, replying to me with "stupid kid" makes me really reconsider my mind

grow up and try again next time
It's also not official, as you read in the question

How much do you think you will be earning, that's a thought and therefore not a fact. In the future also adds up to that.
I see =)

Havent thought that through, and got some time left until I have to decide, so I cant help u out here.

gL tho =)
it's pretty impossible to predict for a lot of people on crossfire i presume
the guy above does have a point, the data can be quite corrupted considering its crossfire.
50k per year
Well when i finished my HND in automotive design i will move onto uni to get a degree in design, when i got all my grades and got a job in automotive design i could be earning £100k+ a year. Thats once ive moved up in the industry!
Since I'm a very good student I'll be a millionaire. (Good student, but lazy, no nerd shit guys, sorry)
Being NOT lazy is more important than being a good student. An idiot without a diploma that is not lazy will make more money than you. A lot more.

Pm me back when you start working, so I can say "told you so"
QuotePm me back when you start working, so I can say "told you so"

you dont get paid much for working 24/7, it's all about using your brain therefor being a good student is one way to prove u are able to use it
life isn't about making money
OVER 9000 !!!
going to work next year.. 1800 (bruto) a month to start with is realistic
so around 22k a year (bruto)
Which sector?
Hotelsector, it's low to start with but after a few years (when I have an upgrade in my job, as a manager) I should earn 200/300 a month more

These are approx the figures for this sector that I heard so..
currently earning 12,000EEK(+ on good assignments, i work overhours, thus earn money from there too, so approx 18,000EEK per month) + taxes. From Jan/Feb, i'll be having a company together with a mate, dno yet how much i'll be earning then.
18000 eek how much is that in euros or pounds?
umm, above a thousand euros something(15/16EEK = 1 euro :/) :D not that "awesome", but it's quite decent imo here in estonia, specially for my age aswell.
Since i do already have a "job" (contract for studying [getting it paid] and after that 3years of working for that company) i guess in my first year after graduation from uni (okay, first i have to do my ABI and start studying) i guess it will be around 38k a year ("netto" [already without taxes])

Waiting for exceed's and Rafiki's flame (like on Vila's first journal)
still studying, hoping to get a part time job untill i finish school at april and then have few months / half year break before army, where i will find some job and gather some money for apartment
in germany people get with bachelor degree about 3000-3500 €, with master about 4000-4500 € in a month (brutto).
That's sick
and now subtract about 35 % taxes.
3000/3500 for a bachelor degree .. like wtf? :D
at the beginning u will get like 2700 - 3300. After 5 years 3000-3700.
that's a lot, next year i'll be graduated in hotelmanagement (bachelor).
I'll be doing my internship in Aachen (Sofitel hotel), but I guess - if i'll be hired afterwards - that I won't earn 2700-3300 to begin with tbh .. :o
ok dunno. im studying informatics, so i speak about their wages.
you dont have proper numbers. bachlor / master only wont bring you money - it's about management position and having employees working for you, those numbers are not even accurate for begginners.

A usual java developer earns 38k a year is only true in bigger regions (frankfurt, duesseldorf, munich and so on). It's also about the language and the experience which you ignored there.
Depends on the meaning of "developer": someone who studies computer science only to become a programmer is either stupid or really dedicated to programming. If you really are a dev in a managing position (which you most likely will after university) you will get a decent wage.
QuoteA usual java developer earns 38k a year is only true in bigger regions (frankfurt, duesseldorf, munich and so on). It's also about the language and the experience which you ignored there.

i took an information from statistics and some people working already many years. ofcoz its important which skills and how much expirience u have - i didnt ignore them.
Quotein germany people get with bachelor degree about 3000-3500 €, with master about 4000-4500 € in a month (brutto).

welke richting hebt gij eigenlijk in het middelbaar gevolgd ?
wat houdt hotel in eig?
kveronderstel hotelmanagement?
1e jaar veel praktische en hotel geralateerde vakken: drankenkennis, dieetleer, talen (engels, frans, duits), hygiëne
2e jaar eerder managementvakken en wetgevingen: 3 soorten recht, talen (engels, frans, duits), managementtechnieken, bedrijfseconomie
3e jaar: bijna enkel wiskundige en economische vakken: financieel beheer, haalbaarheidsstudies, en dan van februari tot juni een stage + het eindwerk

plezant ?
als ge ni graag cijfers ziet moet ge niet beginne
maar ja ik vind het echt wel een goeie richting..
pourqoui? x)
kmoet ook is beginne na te denke wat ik met mn leve wil doen :p daarmee
of coz depends. if u a like spaghetti, u will get max 2700-3000. if u have a bit in ur brain, u can earn more even without bachelor.
gij vangt zeker
that's fucking bullshit
thoes numbers cant be correct, its not that different between austria and germany
if ure happy u can get 2-2,5k with a bachelor and even 3k with a master degree, the rest is just over the top
for junior it consultant, somewhere between 2600-3200eu monthly but probably triple as a senior :)
yay showoff-journal \o/
atm i'm earning 850/month, next year around 1000 and the year after that 1200. then i'll be done with studying and hopefully earn (a lot) more in my actual job :D
bla :( rich bitch, while i studied i didnt earn that much :P
hähä :p
well thats bundesbank, i even heard stories about shitty internet connecction in their flats... :)
haha, but hey the flat for free so its ok xD
dno, could be 0, could be 100k
Mine fluctuates depending if the government lower or higher the dole
Do you mind giving me the amount? Can be in pm
hah i was joking but if you really wanna know i get €205 a week! €13120 a year i guess!
1400/month thats enough
1600 € a month
i dont really have a goal of what i m about to earn in the future...
certainly getting as high as possible... i m not studiing at university for my personal fun...

hopefully its gonna be more than 40k netto
2500 brutto means about 1600€ netto atm

but going up after one, two and so on years...

so basically around 2000€ in two years i hope ;)
looks decent :-)
tbh could earn more in free economy, but i m working for the german government :p
and they don't pay as good as others but therefore the job is fucking save :)
well ye idd, your sure about ur job and 2000 netto ain't bad at all so ;P
atm: 170 euros per month for 3 hours per week (paperboy)

Studying Small Business atm so I won't have a 'standard' monthly salary when I will open my own company
this thread is now about tits
according to some magazines my starting wager will be around 2250 euro/month bruto (studying industrial engineer elektro mechanics)
before army I did earn around 1,7-2k€ / month depending on my working shifts, but I'm not likely to get into the same job as I don't have any contract and steel industry ain't doing very well even though it's getting better

will most likely have to accept some shit job to earn some money for safe during the time I have after army before I start studying (january-august)
dunno gonna be a dentist so it should be enough :P
what makes me lol - there are so many people here - adult, intelligent, having family etc - and still playing et. xD
Why do people play games at all, isn't it just waste of time?
that is the thirst of glory and ambitions my friend.
i only waste money
after the studies of projektmanagement which i will finish with the master degree in about 1 and 1/2years (i already got the BA), i guess the standard salary is about 2-2,5k brutto for a starter, depends on the company.
Unfortunately I think this is how it will go down. I'm going to get a Physics degree then not know what do with it so go for a graduate. Then I'll get a Physics PhD and not know what to do with it. Then I'll end up going for a post-doc because by this point the academia will look much more attractive,

Why? Because I'm an idiot and spending 7-?? years of my life poor, under pressure, unable to sleep like a regular person and researching things 99.9% of the world dont care about is definitely the kind of stupid decision I forsee myself making

Anyway, in answer to your question, I assume I'll be earning approximately £NOTHING/year until the latter half of next decade.
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