UK iPhone users only

TVCatchup offering 3G iPhone video streaming

image: tvcatchup_w300

But will O2 stand for it?
Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Live TV straight to your iPhone via Wi-Fi or 3G? But that's exactly what TVCatchup is offering via its iPhone site.

Is this UK-only service legal? The owners say so, which means you can log onto the service via the iPhone's safari browser without a shred of guilt, no apps required. Which of course also means no need to negotiate Apple's tight app policy. So all is rosey in the garden.

Well, not quite. According to the TechRadar site, O2 is keeping a close eye on TVCatchup. According to an O2 spokesperson: 'O2 offers several phones, such as the Apple iPhone and Palm Pre, that can be used to stream live TV, and we encourage customers to use this when connected to Wi-Fi either in their home or out and about.'

'When customers are connected to 3G we do not block services like mobile TV, however we reserve the right to prevent access to services that affect other users' service. This includes products that continually stream audio and/or video.'

So yes, you can use it now, but if take-up affects the network, expect O2 to block, despite the obvious anger it would bring from iPhone owners. Would Orange and Vodafone act any differently with their iPhones? We doubt it, although both networks are welcome to contact us if this is the case. In the meantime, use TVCatchup while you can, its days might be numbered.

TVCatchup on iPhone (via TechRadar)

I have tried this and on wifi it runs perfectly.
already works here in Germany Germany with MobileTV from german iPhone provider T-Mobile. There is even a so called "ligaTotalpackage" where you watch any Bundesliga (german #1 football league) match LIVE.
It was tested several weeks now and was available free for everyone until they are selling the packages now. Works quite well and is really nice! Comes handy if you're at work and have no access to TV or so.

image: 86
I love my iPhone.
I don't think we have had anything in the UK before this AFAIK and o2 are the current exclusive provider of the iPhone although Orange/T-Mobile and Vodafone are about to break into the market.

Are those footy games live?
Yea heard about O2 loosing their exlusive rights for it, but as far as I know T-Mobile will stay exclusive seller for all upcoming iPhones + 3Gs.
I think it's more a case of o2 failing to pay for the renewal of their exclusivity agreement rather than other providers taking it from them, i would imagine it costs o2 a lot to hold that exclusivity agreement and in many ways i kinda wonder why its been allowed by ofcom since it doesn't allow for competitive trading
Yea guess so. They have to pay a lot to have it exclusively, but T-Mobile seems to make a lot money with it, so it's worth it.
edited my post a lot, yes they are live. You can now pick between Base Package or LigaTotal Package or pick both. Costs you like 10 € extra for one package if i am right, but since I am a new customer at T-Mobile i got it for free 1 year, so it's actually quite nice. ;-)
We seem to be lagging behind a bit here in the UK when it comes to things like this, our infrastructure is based on shitty copper cabling though so bandwidth at home is pretty crap here in the UK compared to what you would expect.
Only minus point here is that it only works with 3G/Edge, not over Wi-Fi, you have to disable it to let it work (no problem since you got 3G most of the time here anyway) but wonder why they did that.

In germany iPhone contracts are kinda expensive and you are locked for some data transfers a month (like 3 GB a month and if you have more then no 3G for you anymore). only good thing is that the data volume you gather with MobileTV will not counted on your overall data volume a month.
Yeah found this a few days ago using the wifi, awesome stuff :) just add a shortcut to the main screen 'n it be sweet as

Do we think this'll morph into a subscription service once they've enough users?
I dont think so, but that being said it causes all sorts of issues around licensing especially TV licensing, i suspect it will get blocked by o2 quite quickly on 3G though, i haven't tried it using 3G yet so cant comment on whether it works or if bandwidth is too shit
Nah it defo works on 3G - though we use wifi, recent installation of a router / various apple shit and we don't talk anymore - just sit around tapping :(
t-mobiles been doing live footy through sky on your handset for over a year. fiver a month, worth if if youre stuck in traffic! i know this app is free, but tbh, the bandwidth itll take up on 02's network, this will be blocked in about a month lol .
Any other decent aps we should look out for? (pref free!)

And has anyone jailbroke theirs?
Apps on mine that i rate:
Flashlight (its so useful)
ShopShop ( a handy shopping list app)
Sky Sports Football
Sky News
Radiobox (only app i have paid for ever and worth it)

Outside of the normal iPhone apps those are what i regularly use, the rest of the apps kinda just sit there
Didn't know there was a Eurosport app... paid for?

Everything else on the list gets used, though you forgot pornhub :v
here is an youtube video showing the app in action, showing a live football match (via edge only):
not jailbroken yet since there is no need for, for me at least. don't want to wait for new jailbreaks every time a new update gets released and everytime installing your cydia apps again is just too much for me. ;)

I recently bought "Skobbler", very nice and cheap Navi but currently only working in germany i think.
who cares when u can get cool apps like iSnort :/
I work for Orange and we will be offering an unlimited net package which you can do what you want on it, streaming etc with 1000 mins and 600 texts for £40 Per Month

ok whats the fair use policy? and dont say "there isnt one", cos there ALWAYS is!
They haven't organized one for the iPhone yet. But for the normal net is 5GB per month.

I would suspect it will be about the same. But I suppose I will see on Sunday when I go for iPhone training! :D
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