Dog, cow, chicken all the same

According to this journal:
Why are people against eating dogs but do eat cow/chicken/pig etc.

They are all animals, only because dogs are used as a pet, are cute etc. they can't be eaten?

Not supporting it tho but I guess it's nothing more shocking then eating cows/pigs/chickens (since I also think the dogs are 'cloned' just for their meat)

Flame alot plz, thnx

image: new-chicken-sandwich

image: cow_rev

image: PigArt
what about humans? :D
let's eat them!
humans are disgusting
cause dogs are sweet
methods of killing is also a factor
And from a cow or a chicken you can even eat "other products" than their own meat (milk, eggs)
the only way you can "use" dogs is for their meat. cow, chicken > dog
what Gnomert said

+ believe me, when cow wouldnt give milk we would also eat them and nobody would complain..
I'd rather eat human meat than dog meat.
they should do some tryouts with dog meat, could be a new kind of meat depending if it tastes good or not
heard it does!
cool, maybe I'll start a company for dog-meat
Human being is known predator due to our's nature.
Because there are animals which have been bred for domestic reasons & animals that have been bred for survival reasons.
I think korean will bred them for meat since it's such a huge business there.. just look at the pics where they are put in small boxes etc.. just like chickens/cows/pigs/blblabalbalbal

Asians are cool like that.
because dog is mans best friend :))))))))
bcuz dog meat is shit(ppl say)

+ what rayzed said

Let's all eat you, sticker !
cause a dog give you happyness!

a boring cow doesnt.

gtfo, bad journal!
doe niet stoer blanke negert!

doe niet zo racisties tegen een blanke neger ja!

wtf eating dogs is gay :o)
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