
What's everybody up to tonighttt?

I'm off to opium, a night club in romford having a U.V partayyy! :)

You out tonight banging out the house, funky house, trance musicccc? :o

image: opium_mar_club_2
I'll be at home thinking about you while im punished !
Being at the age of 15 is so epic :(
hf especially at trance
going to work and after that i will go to the challenge 2.0 big club here :D
was zon reclame van laatst
lucky u ;O

my grandma n grandpa coming today :\.. celebrating my birthday even tho its on 2. nov.. but good food n stuff ;-)

image: Drinking_Warning
PARTY for me too:)))) but @ someone's house
You'd go blind in there! Only MDMA would be good there! :D
nah np for me

130dB here I come :D
Play ET and wank to anime porn :) Simultaneously
the best ones die young.
gonna fly to the moon

on a spaceship made of weed
Never liked saturdays.
Gotta study today :<
On other saturdays you can find me @ The Oh! in Gistel :D
getting my haircut, taking a run, maybe gym.... then going to your moms house...i think you know what happens after that
prolly going out with some friends and to just chill around and do some retarded stuff we might go to a club but you cant rly hv fun in a coolguy way there
going out to my friend house, get totally wasted and sleep
Gonna chill with mates later on, not sure what after
cool story bro , but lies . 4sure ur wankin tonight
never going out
never going out.
Going to Dave's house. Daving it up n' such.

gonna be a good night.
green day @ sportpaleis :o
funky cybergames
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