Today we had a nice dinner at the parents of my dad his girlfriend. When leaving from home, we entered the car and I turned the cdplayer on and immediately this awesome song comes up and I was like "WOOOHOOOO, LOUDER!" While going completly nuts on the backseat I sang the whole song like a queer whilst my dad and his girl had no clue what all the excitement was about! After explaining why I liked it so much they completely agreed with me that its a


Fuck you youtube, you've ruined my awesome day!

image: 1067629-cool_story_bro_super
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Songname please!
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
so you explained to them that rick astley is an internet hero because of nerds, they must think you're SUPERMEGAAWESOME
How nerd is that ?
You're right, I should feel bad now and have extremely low self-esteem and I should never talk about things like gaming, internet and it's heroes. Cause hiding all the stuff that is not globally accepted is way cooler!
just disappointed you couldnt do the backflips like the guy in the video since you were in a car :-(
Oh but I did do them, my dad loves the open roof!
nu vind ik jou stom:<
Last night I requested Craig David - 7 Days.
I liked it when it first came out! :)
i think its a great song if you are in the right mood
The lyrics of "7 Days" mainly talk about what David does during a week with a girl.

He met a girl on Monday, and felt enough of a social connection to proceed by taking her out for a drink on Tuesday. This night of alcoholic consumption resulted in a sexual relationship, causing Craig and his partner to have sexual intercourse on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. By this time such exertion had taken its toll on Craig who then, "chills" on Sunday.
so how exactly did you explain it?
you got rickroll'd :DDD zlol
This is song is coming closer to my top 10 of alltime favorites every day!
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