I need some1 to fix mistakes :P
I would like to prove, that graffiti isn't act of vandalism, but it's an art. First I want to explain a meaning of word "graffiti". Graffiti is portuguese "sgraffito" (spray art., street art, template art) rebellious street message painted on the walls of houses with spray, brush or with use of templates. Widespreaded on world since 1968 until today. With time it has evolved as one of the directions of contemporary art. Some people think of graffiti as colourful paintings, but others think about it only as swear words on house walls. I disagree, because real graffitis task is to decorate things, not to make them more ugly. Thats why we can't call the swear words we see everywhere a graffiti, they don't deserve do be called like that. In my opinion real graffiti is an art. The truth is that old, damaged building walls are looking bad, but when they are covered with beatiful paintings they look a lot better! Ofcourse graffiti shouldn't be vulgar, but also shouldn't be created on antique churches, castles and courts. We need to mention that by painting graffiti a lot of talented people develop their talent. They increase their own value and get a big satisfaction. They can express their indetity, their feelings, believes and thoughts. We can't forget that a lot of businessmen recruits graffiti artists to paint their advertising signs. More often we can see fantastically spray painted shop or bar. Colourful catchwords get our attention and can get potentiall clients. Additional point is that graffiti starts to be accepted on the whole world. City government picks special areas and walls to paint. As a result from the arguments advanced, graffiti - in spite of everthing- is an art and young people, who paint on the walls, are artists In my opinion we both need graffiti - painters and receivers - with it's colours it makes our grey life more vivid.