
Hi, I was kicked by md5 tool ... for dont know what reason, now after few days danL say me why I am ban ... and he say what i need to look , I look in etmain and i have some ibot.cfg, what is this dont know but whan i look it, its some cheat commands inside. I download bifore 8month many cfg and dont look names and staff inside, but I run first time butchji cfg than suvi and i use all time suvi.cfg. Now I saw I have some retard cfg with bot i never run it... What is the best I think I download it on cf but not shure...
Bifore few days i play ET after 6month, oke i play maybe 3-4time last 6month, But this day i play 6on6 on private server with friends and I dont get any kick by pb. Next day whan i get on irc thay say me Dino u are busted... I write wtf.... Now what is the best on cb i get ban with reason I cheat on public server what is impossible cos i dont play this day on public i play only on private after long time. Oke i dont care cos i am ban or not i dont play ET anymore, I get life so rly dont care but what i dont want ppl think i am cheater cos i never fucking cheat !!!!!!! I get retard ban cos i dont look into config and it was in my etmain around 8m, so great work by pb.

Thx Bye bye

PS: look inside cfg what u download on cf...
I believe you.
Who cares nowadays, nobody would even know if you hadn´t made this attention post.
Nude pics of that girl and all will be forgiven.
I believe you.
case closed, BAN!
Hes been using your cfg imo
possibly, its a good cfg!
heuj dejavu :s
say what?
haha lol dino :D ZNAO SAM!
ma daj u kurac nebi ni ja znao zasto ali ono veli danl da pogledam u etmain i nadem neki bot cofnig i onak ljepo nutra lagano pise nekakva sranja za aim, wh i tak to ... ma daj .....
eyyy dino ne mislim da cheatas eazzy :D
pa da cheatam onda bi te ownao svaki put :D
Don't understand why you wrote an entire story about it if you don't play ET anymore. And about your image: it's just a game :$ what does it matter if people think you are a cheater, as long as you know you're not.

If you're telling the truth that is :p
^^ like u say
Life sucks
army sucks aswell riiiiight squallliiii?
Don't tell admin.
QuoteI get life so rly dont care

gtfo of here! we are all nerds, we dont want lifers here!
nice engrish man,srsly :D
well, thats even proove that suVi cheats fo sho :XD
moreover.. you really dont care, but you bother to make journal about this.. SRSLY YOU ABSOLUTELY DONT CARE..

..cmon, get brain kid
stfu Cz tard ...
now you rly hurt me, I am gonna cry :D

if u don't play et anymore and u don't care what people say, then why the hell did u write this journal ? you fucking need attention ?

nice english
i dont write its for u i wirte for some guys who know me so u dont need to look and read kid... so stfu!
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