My Windows 7 has arrived!

Anyone else got theirs?

Need to buy an SSD now.
yes, never used such an good windows, truly beats xp by far far far
I tried it for like 2h @ mate's place but seemed quite similar, some extra beauty toys but that was it.
not even close, dont judge it by 2h, u have no rights to even say its similar, really
imo it's a mix of the good parts of vista and xp; the nice speed and user-friendly functionality of XP combined with a more up-to-date graphics skin from Vista.
Much more than that.

Apps that were buggy in vista are now fully optimized and shizzle
cann you tell the difference or do you simply like the fact it looks more like vista? cauz thats a reason not to buy it.
i'm not even using the main w7 theme (im on wb), is that enough for u?
if you need my approval: you got it.
u should sell ms products for them...

in my eyes u got much more potential


cheap skate :P
- 17yo
- FINtard with USflag
- Wankers - Team

yes vista suits u
i was serious
he is too and i agree with him =)
sry nico, but its xp < vista < win7
installed it like 2 months ago and the only thing I hate is that there's no accelfix yet.
go find some solution for me, affe :(
oha kennst du mich etwa mister 0 days
nö, zu faul
go find a solution for me about installing win 7.. you know the problem :P
and youre the expert .. so yeah!
What are you talking about it doesn't need an accelfix its not broken on win7 try unticking the little box "enhance pointer precision"
still xp sp2 with accelfix & 120.reg feels much better :|
Blame PB instead (y)
well actually I don't care about pb since most of the time I use linux :>
Then lolque, why are you complaining about win7 ? :D
ill get it original and free in 7 days or so. np4me
Got the CD already, gonna install it over the weekend after I move all my files to an external first.
7 has been available like a YEAR or something. sucked then sucks now. better than xp for laptops.
The beta and RC yes. Full retail? no.
rtm has been available at minimum a month
To be honest I'm too lazy to install. Still running vista here but it's only for gaming so I don't really mind.
all the fanbois cumming on 7 are mostly a bunch of idiots with no clue about anything anyway. listen to and get urself educated
Not at all, Windows 7 is a massively improved operating system compared to their recent efforts. It is in fact a superb OS and myself and all my other IT colleagues are of the same opinion, most people in IT are actually excited because for the most part Microsoft did a great job with Windows 7 and with Server 2008 R2 which uses the windows 7 kernel
i know i am an it student, and we moved all our regular machines to win7, but wtf? why so fast? im just now one of those people who gets an instant hardon for anything new that seems good for now...
Well i can only speak for myself and we have been beta testing Server 2008 R2 with Windows 7 and Exchange 2010 for a while now and its very good.
well it works all good. (with srver2003 too). but o/ses are massive in code and malicious ppl will always find exploits to get in and i'll rather wait until its patched enough that i feel sure i can move over, but for now im perfectly content on my current systems.
You do realize that win7 has already worked out massive leaks like on XP out in its core, right?

If being scared of exploits and virusses is going to hold you back, then I do have to say that that's stupid. People will always attempt to do that, no matter what and the worse part is that Microsoft can only run behind, pick up the pieces and patch it.

No version will ever be exploit/bug free, no matter how many fixes there will be released, easy as that.

You might bring on the argument of 'yeah but why not wait till most exploits are fixed?' Easy. By the time an exploit really gets rolling, it will already be fixed by microsoft, so really, it's no big deal. You might even run into exploits on your current system still, so better be careful and don't use the computer at all!
every shit program can have a bug which can lead to an new exploit.. msn,pb,games,every crap that connects to the internet..
yeh your obviously really educated
ye your too ;)
LooL, I could get windows 7 legitimate and for free weeks ago. And the ones who say it beats xp by far, are so clueless.
You 'could'... why didn't you then?
Like I need Windows 7 so much. Why should I change my OS, if I don't have issues with it and it completely fits my current needs? Why should I be a part of a free army of "beta-testers" who will risk their own security and data with no insurance? I will wait until microsoft releases SP1 for it to fix at least obvious vulnerabilities, then I might think about it.
+ over 9000
So you meant you could get the beta/RC free and legit weeks ago?
Not beta/RC...

QuoteAnnouncements bullet
2009-08-14 Windows 7 Professional-English (32 bit and 64bit) is now available in ELMS ...full story
they aren't clueless actually, windows 7 runs older systems faster than XP for example, the performance and stress testing has proved this and this is just one of the many improvements in the OS!
oh yeah, like performance is the most important part of any OS, especially if XP performance-wise can satisfy people. If your so-called IT colleagues are having such an argument in favour of '7' I would consider questioning their competency. Microsoft needs to do everything to clean the massive amounts of the dirt from their image after previous failure, so this subjective "WIN7 R0CKZ my B0XZ" is just a hype that contradicts the reality. Nobody is arguing about Windows 7 being much better than Vista in different aspects, but it's not really hard to realize that it was kinda hard to develop something worse than Vista. I'm relatively open-minded in relation to '7', but I will still wait for SP before completely switching to it.
theirs and my competency is very high and they and i have been beta testing windows 7 with server 2008 r2 and exchange 2010 in lab environments for quite a while now, its not worth comparing it to vista, this release is what vista should have been for many, anyway after you have tried it let me know what you think, you may realise why i am so pro the OS
I'm not bashing 7, it looks promising, I'm looking forward to it, but if your competency is high you can't rely on your own lab tests, can you? Testing is almost infinite process. Microsoft had their own number of labs when they were developing XP/Vista and you see where it ended especially for the latter. Of course there were flaws in management as well, but my point still applies.
ofc but most knew vista was fucked straight away including intel which really screwed Microsoft hehe
I think you're the one that is clueless or so to say 'dunno'
unlike you I have arguments stated above, so get the fuck out of my inbox with silly comments kiddo.

I'd take any solid statistic above any subjective comment by a nerdy faggot clutched to an outdated O/S that has less features than my toothbrush.
Solid statistic? Solid statistic on newly released OS? Are you using your brain when you are typing such things? Firstly, lower your ego - you have nothing to do with software development (was kinda easy to realize it after checking your profile). For instance do you have any "solid statistic" of the future bugs/vulnerabilities in Windows 7? No? Oh, dear. The only good thing about Windows 7 is relatively good memory management. And, no, I'm not "clutched" to XP, it's the OS I'm using for home use, not for deploying servers. Get your head out of your ass next time when you consider replying.
Another retarded reply, not that I expected anything else.

Do you honestly believe XP, Vista or any other O/S is bugfree? Because if so...

Every O/S will always have a bug somewhere, so what?

There's no need to bitch about that, that's why no one whines about it, unless they're retarded.

We rather prefer to compare features, graphics, comptability, stability, future reference and of course performance. Windows 7 beats XP in all of those compartments hands down. Which is proven by SOLID STATISTICS.
Well, it's kinda ironic to see a 17yo BELGIAN kid calling me a retard. Thumbs up!
I have never mentioned XP/Vista being better or worse or bugfree, your reading skills are terrible. Where did I whine or bitch about anything? I confronted the opinion about '7' bashing 'XP'. It would be kinda sad if they developed something worse after 10 years.
Compatibility? YEAH, RIGHT.
If that makes you sleep at night, then sure. :)
oh yeah, I sure will.
Oh, but before you do, I'd just like to mention that the average of IQ of a Belgian is just as high or even higher in some cases than most western countries... So that comment was quite ignorant and prejudicant. =)
I know I was just provoking you.
bought it 3 weeks ago for 10 euros at university already...
its great
Pretty good deal. I'm guessing that's the upgrade edition?
no its the completely normal one but its for students and requires some kind of registration at some university server once a semester
bei der tu unten in dem shop bei der bibliothek...
da gibts so bücher und software
ka wies genau heißt
cant you DL it for free? :o
you could dl the beta version but the one released is the final build
nah i mean we can DL the final build .iso + key for free here via the same students stuff
got it for free :p
received four free Win7 Professional keys by MSDNAA. too lazy to install :P
dunno bout win7, but installing XP on a raid volume = FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
hardware/software raid? it depends..
hardware raid = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
software ofc
gimme one, will upgrade soon!
today or tommorow my new graphic card will arrive! :)
happy days
yes sir! because i finally have two weeks off and then the first time i played cod4 my 2.5 year old 8800gts broke down :(
Came as part of works licensing agreement, have already nicked the dvd to use at home but I've been too lazy so far.

<3 every OS and Office release at my employers expense :D
same :) But you do need to be careful with Vista and 7 since they are both tracked in your volume licensing center when you register a copy.
Ya, stupid VLK crap :'(
I got windows7 for free from university XD (can get a 32 bit key for someone if they wanted it...)

runs sooo much faster than XP or Vista and has reduced lag in ET significantly :D

i'm not 100% sold on the new task bar layout or wtf libraries do but we'll see

just need that 16GB of RAM now....
sure dude!!! send me a pm please
ye win7 is great.. i wouldnt say that its faster than xp but its much more stable. its for sure faster than vista but i cannot compare it with xp as i havent used it for ages.

And also bought a ssd a month ago (intel postville).. its fucking awesome rly :P

for me: win7 > vista & xp
its faster with older computers, managed to get some 486 machines running win7 pretty reasonably, and definitely faster than xp
hm some guys from my class with eepc´s asked me if win7 would run better than xp.. guess i will tell them yes tomorrow :)

as u seem to work pretty much with win7 i wonder if u have any performance tipps?

i know that win7 enables/disables prefetch & superfetch if its needed or not.. and that most of the tweaks you could add manually in vista are now automatically (like msconfig -> boot tab -> advanced -> selecting two cores).. but maybe u know smth :)
Download enhancemyseven and enable a few more tweaks.

Though there is indeed few you can still tweak atm. Except disabling even more services ofc...
hmm i read that disabling services is a myth and doesnt help anyting (disabling startup process does help). Same like regcleaners.. the 50 wrong reg keys wont matter out of the 900.000 keys u have in there :P

and i had enhancemyseven already but i didnt really trust it as 30% of the tweaks were senseless and 50% are already getting tweaked by win7 to the best setting u can get
Services do matter, it just depends on which ones you disable.

For example, if I disable the file scanning service of my antivirus then I will undergo a performance boost as I'll have more free resources.

But if I disable a service like print spooler, not much will change. In that aspect it's true.

And yeah, not much tweaks out there (yet)

I'm sort of waiting to see what Mz will release, might be interesting.
hm what is Mz? :)

which services do u recommend to disable?
Mz has developped several tweaking programs for XP and Vista. I think it's just 1 person, but could be wrong.

I don't know, mostly services that put a load on your HDD/Graphics Card/RAM/CPU

Like the Destkop Windows Managment isn't needed for gaming but eats a lot of CPU and RAM, so you can disable it before gaming and enable it after again.

You can use Game Booster from, it will disable services (& programs if you want) before gaming and you can reenable all of them at will after gaming.

But Win7 has a lot of services set to manual or even disabled by default, unlike vista and XP, so not much you can really turn off unless you have some Anti-Virus services or something like that.
for free 64 bit and 32 bit professional, had it since the beginning of this schoolyear, 2 months ago thnxverymuch.

school rules :D

btw why not buy an ssd when you can get rid off mechanics in ur pc
thanks, im happy with my xp
i will get it for free from my uni, that means: 3 new working keys!
sharing is caring!
need to wait 3days more, then my w7 will come
well i have it and tryed it since it was available with msdn academic :D
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