It was an original monday evening, we, the mASCULINE MANS were preparing for our daily practice at 20 for LOWEST EC EVER. 5 players waiting, 1 player missing in action, such a common situation for EC-winner clan (though it was LOWEST EC EVER).


image: 8-squall-c2


20:01, Squall told us that he can't play :( .. not the first time! but the LAST!! Our 5 players acting FURIOUS like HUNGRY bears in the private channel (#bigbrother.fi) because we couldn't play.. Mercs are not an option when one has to replace our sos_secretweapon.pk3



[21:28] * kapaa sets mode: +b *!*squall@*.dhcp.inet.fi
[21:28] * Squalliii was kicked by kapaa (oot jumala)

We decided to remove Squall from the mASCULINE MANS, also known as Vanhaomena gaming due to his bad aim, this was just the final thing that finalized our thoughts..


So, Squall is looking for OC premier/EC clan, pm him @ xfire or in IRC.Quakenet.Org #krp.et, for example.


mASCULINE MANS thought about multiple things.. folding..playing official wars only.. future plans will be announced later but one thing I can say for sure.. No one is irreplaceable!! well maybe mAus :P
Want to play in the best ET-clan with the best? pm our loved womanizer kapaa @ xfire or in IRC.Quakenet.Org #mASCULINE_MANS or #bigbrother.fi
Although it is possible that kapaa already got some sexy sixth ;)


Song to you,


PS. mAus if you read this, please contact kapaa ;')
old vid x]
lol nice post
best of luck to you
but squall is always playing
Thx Fel! Need clan, pmme!
luulis että tuo on jotai teidän normi-trollausta ;e
squallii contact to #pallot.et


XD srsly...


Squall pm on mIRC.

Creating a clan full of army-dodgers.
why u speak like thats a bad thing to skip army?
chmpp can you take me in ?
lets make a new team! guaranteed success!
no, i like to play with my team but maybe i would leave them to join the best :p

tell me what is ur plan? lineup or something?
Ajat alkaa olemaan otolliset meikän comebackil
Matias told me that they want me now
I knows, I knows!:D
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