Windows 7 Installation problem

So last weekend i decided to install the new windows, i downloaded it, burned the .iso file onto a dvd and yeah...started the installation..everything worked fine til the end.
Win 7 was already more or less installed, almost finished but on the last step, i guess, an error occured: In german it's: "Fehler der Initialisierung beim interaktiven Anmeldeprozess".

In english it should be something like this: Error at the initialisation of the interactive loginprocess ( :-DD, dunno any better)

So Win 7 couldnt start properly and the pc shut down..

I got an Acer 5920G Laptop.

Anyone ever had the same problem?
Anyone knows solutions?

Would be really nice, thanks in advance!

PS: Already tried google but couldnt find any real help
That's nothing, burnt it on cheap dvd and formated both partitions and it had an error installing and now I can't even format or install anything else on it :D
Get new windows installation. Burn it on dvd with slow speed!!! ( like 4x or sth)<-- important!!
Then just boot from disk, format hard disk and install, np...

I use this one and works perfecto!:)
I burned it with "8x speed".
Is it that importantto use a lower speed? And why? Could that be my problem? :D
8x should be fine imo. But I used 4x, as recommended by many. Maybe your iso file is corrupted or its just cd, I dunno. Just try download the w7 link I gave above. Works flawless!
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