18 years ago

today bluman http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=25524 became 18 and now its illegal to haz sex with under 16 yo old.

so now on all 10 yo school girls are free to run in da streets without baseball bats.

HB blu

but dont get into jail so we can finish oc :<
18 years ago u were jumping in your fathers balls back and forth
so when he was bornd hes father put his son in hes nuts ??

18 years and 9months ago he was in da balllllzzes
I heard that he came out too early, so lets make 18 years and 5 months...

HB ;)
that explains alot :o

image: 5109146
You'll lose anyways.
hb ja sillee =)
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