Now we frustrate ourselves to death.

This is the ultimate game for masochists. Fucking impossible and annoying, but very interesting.

Don't post spoilers, just pm someone if they ask directly or whatever...
teach me pokerz
lol funneh, im @ three atm xD
got bored at stage 2
annoying,finished @ 3rd
I'm very surprised at myself, got to 10 which is better than my younger self did
i can't do 6th :(
i am at 5

ok at 6
Seriously, cant get passed fucking stage 3.
boring, you'll see a giant dude with a dildo face at the end
how do i open door
It's kinda uberold...was at lvl 25 or something back in the days.
Spoiled myself with 10. It's literally impossible without installing some old windows audio editor, which I refuse to do.
Level 5 was a pain, just got past lvl 6. Interesting so far.

Wow level 7 was a complete pain as well, I'm too lazy to go any further.
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