cheapest bnc?

seems like my bnc is down (i think i got it from authentic-gaming ages ago).. anyone knows where to get the cheapest bnc (but ofc not a crap which is down 24/7).. or maybe anyone has one for free? :)

thx bb
(17:02) ›› Topic: #Gaming - ( ) - Free Services for Gamer - Free Bouncer.
dunnow if i should trust them.. dont need some randoms who log my auth or what ever :P
Your auth isn't that powerful + doubt that 300 user-gaming would jack your auth.
hab nen root hihi :D
versuche grad nen bnc aufzusetzen
hm ich glaub da kannst du aber nur maximal 5 bnc´s laufen lassen ?
wieso nur 5?;o
kA ich dachte bei irc gabs so ein limit bei dem man nur 5 irc connections pro ip haben durfte sonst g-line? außer man kauft irgendwas wo man halt mehr connections pro ip haben darf?
hmm noch nie gehört, kann aber ne 2. ip bestelln :P
naja eben noch psybnc über cygwin laufen lassen
just join a random clan, some can provide one
nice way to get a free bnc without asking for one :DD
#brainlag ... they got bouncers for free ;)
leave your pc on 24/7 np
a free one
bouncers4you cheepst & best
* Topic is ' [ ] Our bncs start at only $2.50/YEAR! If you have any questions and no one is around, feel free to email us at [email protected] [ !help !contact !status !prices !sponsor ]'

wow thanks thats awesome
Got it for free aka bnc@uni server.
a free one
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