Screen + Boxes

As I'm getting my new pc tomorrow, I will also be in need of a screen and boxes preferably. So I came to our most honoured and favored /cf/ to ask for advice!

About the screen:
- Would prefer a CRT, but due to my desk, it will most likely need to be LCD/TFT etc, something flat at least.
- Reasonable price

About the boxes, there are 2 options:
- Good PC boxes
- Boxes to hook onto my stereo, where I will connect my pc too
- Reasonable price in case of both options as well.

Thanks in advance for the advice, flames or lulz.
LCD/TFT for 100€ will suck (imo)
I know :< Actually, I should change the price there and then just look for the stuiff adviced 2ndhanded
Boxes WUT!
Here are your boxers;

He wanted boxes!
Well he shouldn't play naked so I suggested boxers.
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