Razer Lachesis Setup

Hey guys
Today I bought rather lachesis but got probs at isntalling drivers.
While in installing the driver, it says file "hidusb.sys" is missing and I should enter windows service pack 3 cd to get it. I downloaded that file and went on.
then it says, file hidclass.sys can not be copied. i shall put in my service pack 3 cd again to ge it. I said skip, just as i did as the error file hidparse.sys came up.
Now it says installation succesful, but if i change settings in the razer configurator, nothing happens.
Can somebody help plz?
u don't really need drivers, do you?
of cause^^ i need to setup to 1000Hz and bind the buttons
What u need 1000Hz for?
1000hz is rather because i can but the button at the side are wrong bound.
try the reply button :)
bring it back and buy the deathadder
e: lol why did you buy the lachesis if you had a mx518 -_-
mx518&deathadder > all
du weißt was ich mein also mowl
Congratulations, you have just bought the worst mouse ever.
uninstall everything then reinstall and use info below

files are in \WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 it should be in the driver rar (.cab) Just extract it somewhere on your desktop.

and congratulations on buying the worst mouse ever :D
pmme me on #niggah im using a lachesis
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