drunk dudes challenge a car

yeah, real funny -_-
I think it's plain dumb. I would fucking rage if they would do that to me -_- It scratches the paint for a start! (if you accidentlly hit m while trying to avoid hitting them...)
Just call cops for being publicly intoxicated...
I never call cops, unless people ask me to... But I would rage for sure! BTW! the car in the final part didn't stop, he just guessed they would bail out. If you would kill m, while they were drunk and you weren't .. Your the dick, aren't you?
Why not call the cops? They're too drunk to realise it until they're arrested anyway...
Stupid kankers.
beter pakt de politie ze alsnog op...
fucking losers
what a fucking retards
Je zal toch een ongeluk krijgen omdat er twee van die mongooltjes op de weg rijden..
If they done that to me when I was driving down the road i'd whip up the handbrake get my hammer from under my chair and kick the shit outta them, i'd just snap.
marginaal nederland :D check da wijf gwn komaan
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