hb brAun

today is the day that brAun celebrates his bday! he turns 15, he told me hes looking so much forward to next year so he can drink alcohol legaly, drive scooters and much more! but you have to wait man.'

till then happy birthday hope you have fun today!

image: happy-birthday-g

[12:34] plasa.Mott4 #S´agapo.et: hoe oud ben je geworde?
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: 15 :D
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: volgend jaar eindlijk scooter
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: drank
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: ALLES!!!!
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: MUAHAHAHAHAHA
[12:34] sens6.brAun SENS6 = BACK!: dit zet je toch niet op crossfire toch?
[12:35] plasa.Mott4 #S´agapo.et: ;D
:D Danke <3 U!!!
loled @ pic
np at all man!
ohh plz delite journal .
hb who ever he iz
ik dronk al op me 14, nu voel ik me toch wel megacool
hb and gl with your search for the senti games :p
hb mate<3!
ty matey<345678
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