
to the pub soon
wank, weep and repeat
Going to a standup show and then drinking ;)
drinking wine,playing poker and talking with my luv wut?!
Chill-Out with jam.fm

soon disco i hope .X
listening music, drinking beer, having a nolife atm, i will go out tomorrow ... ACTIVATORItalyin time-outNetherlands !!!!!!!
kindercreche daar in gemert :p

je moet een keer naar de apenzaal gaan kan je nog een keer lache :D
waar vind ik dat dan? hardstyle zaal is zekers wel vet, idd veel kindjes @ house/ dance area, maar ben ik zelf ook tog nog ofniet dan
mja als je nog 16 ofzo bent is het wel lache idd :p
studying for statistics exam tomorrow grrr
nothing atm my ankle is fucked up so i'm playing et
trying to hold my poo in for as long as possible!
shouldn't be too hard with the constipation food they serve in england
Drink a few beers and play some pes with my roommate, not gonna make it late though, didn't get much sleep last night :<
watching tv, downloading stuff, prolly playing some games and then going 2 sleep.
going out tomorrow :)
talking with my gf
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