Supporting ET! / It's Friday!

Yo /cf/ brothers & sisters!

It's Friday, and just over 2 months until Christmas so I'm staying in to save some money.

So what's keeping you lot in tonight? I don't really know what to do... Probably play some COD4 & chill out on IRC. You can come chat to me in #Seanza if you feel like it.

I'm also looking to support an ET team for their duration in EC/OC Premier & maybe longer. So if you're playing in either of those parts of the falls season or are doing really well in the ESL MS then contact me here by PM or /q Seanza on IRC. I have a 16 slot server, webspace, bnc & vent available for support.

Seanza is listening to »» Felix Da Housecat - Do We Move Your World »» 4:34

Obligatory YouTube link (<3 edbassmaster):

image: snakes11lw8xa

image: kaja-och-tommy1


image: keeley-hazell1

England marshaL
Finland jopjop
Poland twisty <3 :D
Poland aA
England msh100
Italy armisael
England T!gz
England Stary
England image: jackfap
Scotland scuba!
Anonymous All the others in #Seanza

One love <3
your journal, man
Crappy pics
your music jesus, men
Keeley Hazell ofc! She has a sextape but it's shit :D
I dont like you
gl shagger
are u the old smo guy ?:o
annu is listening to inna-hot .

Heard it at party once. rocks <3
Keeley Hazell <3
You don't care about ET anyway! hater.
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