aza 3 hs

in this match aza gave me 3 hs from west tower in delivery some1 told me that some1 made a clip of it any1 knows?
You have € 18293 on jp skk!
You lost

shit match it was
see hey are hee
so you aren't w/o head like ur nick says so? poor u :x
You have € 500 on rockit
You won € 3845

great match it was
err, who cares
him obviously because he asked
wouldnt have been hard to find the answer to that question urself
big ego

not even that good

he was given 3hs
u realize that dont u?
aza shoots always 3hs per kill

you can pick any demo/replay you want

well i was trafing off the hill fucking fast. and he lugered me 3 hs :p
how could such noobs win it lol :DDDD
2 good players in the lu
still 2 good must be > 6 bad
aza and perfo rly suck nowdays :D they got bashed so easy in 3o3...
noshit, we pwned them even in 3o3 easily, dreamteam aza,perfo & some other random
its 2009 nablets
Are you drunk?
nee hoor als ik met jullie meespeel word je fucking hard gepowned :D:D
i really found this funny

Quote gb Meez Wednesday, 29th July 2009 02:29
who cares

me perfo and aza could beat most premier teams even if we took three players from divison 9 to fix the lineup

Quote nl AzA Thursday, 30th July 2009 07:39
Yes, we were. But carrying 4 other players doesn't always work. :(

did meez play? if so;

i think meez's stature in the team is held in different regards to some other peoples opinions lozl
didnt you know? aza doesnt play with people that lose supply (after losing it himself too)
sad meez is sad
NoHead became a YesHead

love the retard who made the vid and knows shit about antilag
Better call the bamboo bird cause he just got pommed.
aza best aimer, if he doesnt cheat :D
fost is a lot better
*Was, but I agree on that 1.
lol'ed @avi :D
The underdog wins from the pro's
i dont like u
Like 3 headshots from west tower are amazing
Like 3 headshots from west tower are amazing
ok jij zal wel heel goed zijn dan :)
zeg ik niet

maar zo'n dingen maakt iedere etpro speler ooit wel mee.

De een meer dan de ander tuurlijk.
jonge kijk hitboxtracking + zijn luger heeft geen knockback, het zal wel aan mij liggen maar kijk in slowma hoe dit hem mist maar omdat hij de hitbox raakt togh hs schiet. ik wou gewoon dit gewoon herzien omdat het een mooie frag was maar nu dat ik hem zo zie, geloof ik er geen bal van
Dat filmpje klopt niet hellemaal, het geluid komt achter enzovoort.
ik wil best met jou 1 hele dag die jump doen en dan schiet jij mij 1x 3hs met luger
dan wordt ik officeel jou fanboy
Als je dat wil doen

ben je een nerd.
NEE omdat ik weet het je niet lukt.
rofl its even during a warm up
I've seen this live, pure aimbot^^
is togh belachelijk dat schot XD
jah dat bedoel ik snap best dat iej me hoort springen en dat zen aim precies op me staat maar dan 3 hs is gewoon waazig, want ingame vlieg je ook voorbij
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