
ever heard thing called antilag?
Ye i know but it's hard to shoot in a strafe 3hs
what strafe? he was jumping straight. With high enough sens its easy bash
Welcome to ET!
great, cool vid bro
thats classic 3hs strafe trick
1/100 you will shoot with your luger 3hs at a strafe
so why couldn't this be 1 in 100 then?
demos are lagged
players call it a skill.
obviously skill ja
luck + lag?
aimbot lag :p ;)
aimbot would aim perfectly @ head... look wheres the xhair... its just good uberlowsens aiming + antilag + luck...
Aimbot would aim at the hitboxes...
yeah... but it aim without antilag delay... so its always perfect playermodel hit...
Well, I don't know much about aimbots, you're right :D
but in demo also bot would look like it comes slower... that's because when you played it there was antilag, but there's no antilag in demos, so if you had 100 ping, the enemies move 100 ms earlier in the demos because demos play with 0 ping
not with image :)
dude you're en more obvious, what the hell are you crying about?
omg its et ...
80% of all hits looks like that
i remember 1 time wiesiek on 30hp owned with luger Reload with full ammo and hp. Then some nerds posted milion busttopics here.
30 sec advertisement for 21 sec clip
+1. fuckin yerman ads
press 'f5' during the ad ;)
+ we only needed 4 secs really

and its an useless vid
the hitboxes are behind the model.. welcome to ET? :P

and i also think they are bigger when the enemy is strafing.. atleast i gave alot of suck hs already. Not alot of 3hs/3shotds with luger but from time to time it still happens.. luck/skill/"bug" -> everything together = ownage :D
Pretty strange that after playing ET for x years players still don't realize that demos aren't the real representation of what is going on while playing... Please find me a game where antilag works better than in ET.
rtcw... because there is no antilag there! HAHAHAHAHAA

ty wogole grasz jeszcze w et?
quakelive & cpma, though antilag should be removed from competitive gaming imho :-\
cpma yes
QL is awful
better than ET imho, it doesnt give as much of a benefit to the laggy players.(hence why there are barely any polaks in the top) :-p
- hitboxes behind the target - gotta shoot behind even vs bots / on LAN with ping 0, ping 30 feels like 98 in et( they admitted it and promised to repair a year ago or longer and still there's no single netcode fix)
- >100pingers and packetlosers warp like hell
- hf railing at >80 ping

and i wonder what gives any benefit to laggy players in ET?
they can hit you and you can't hit them, that is how antilag works, balancing x-]
what you said is pretty much a lie, it is balancing and supposed to do what you said, but it doesn't and I don't think it would be a good thing even if it was 100% balanced.
I see what you did there
Ever heard about azatej + nC?
schteil muruk yah
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