ET on widescreen

1) i am playing on the highest native resolution
2) im using low resolution and playing with black bars
3) i have a second low inch screen especially for ET
i have 32 inch widescreen LOLZ
I play half-screen on my laptop sux. can't do it to fill the whole screen :(
whats ur resolution?
i have 1337 inch widescreen LOLZ
why not use custom resolution?
wow, 7 replys above me, and not even one even tried to be constructive / serious
cause you're a nerd
what was your question?
i want to know how people play ET with their widescreens
As i said above, and you called a "not constructive answer", with custom resolutions.
r_mode -1
r_customheight 1024
r_customwidth 2400
I tried to, believe me
native americans
Lorenzo Lamas.
i play it just with r_mode 6.
nothing wrong for me:D
i have a 4:3 button on my wide screen : D
Use a 4:3 resolution like 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768 with 75Hz and blacks bars on the side.
what do you mean by black bars on the side`? i'm just curious
crosshair is blurred as hell then
3) 2nd crt
4) play in a window
4) playing on fullscreen (22'' ws) with 1280*800 on the highest supported frequency (75Hz)
3) buy a trinitron, it will handle 120 Hz
r_mode 4 no black borders
1680x1050 native, 1440x900 in et
I don't like to play on 1920*1080 like I can do on my screen, I prefer playing r_mode 8 so that everything is more wide if you know what I mean^^
i know what you mean
crt > 1)2)3)
you will die
1) ofc + calculate fov according to ur monitors aspect ratio
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