Fantasy Premier League

It's been a long time, since I have written something here. More than half of the year has gone and now I am still not playing ET (which is really useful for me). It seems ET is still alive and anyway I am happy because of that.

I have changed my CPU like a week ago and finally I've got something good to play on. PES 2010, Fifa 2010 - these games just amaze me. Which one do you prefer? My vote goes for... eh. It's hard. More playable is PES, but I have got lots of fun playing Fifa on "Career mode". I'm confused.

Let's return to the topic. So, this matchweek at Fantasy Premier League was just amazing. 73 points have been made by my team. It grades me at 13th place in Crossfire league. We could have seens more surprised, but anyway Liverpool with its victory against ManU was pretty unexpected. How are your results?

Have a nice upcoming week!
sucked today...i was rollin in the past weeks but tonight i just got 40 points :/
how not playing ET could be useful to you? :S
I think this question is not necessary. Real life is anyway a real life. Regards - hater of mine!
you didn't understand me I think and thanks for telling me that real life is real life :o
Hell, even if I tried to be polite, noone would be the same for me. You didn't understand me either. Playing ET is useful for me, because I don't waste as much time, as I did when I was an active player. ET is a great game, it just takes most of your spare time and I now prefer doing something else in MY FREE TIME, than playing a game. JUST a game...
to get things straight, the sentence "I am still not playing ET (which is really useful for me)" makes no sense, it's like saying "I don't play football, it's useful to me", complete non-sense
I've never intended to call you a nolifer or shit like that and I understood what you meant btw!
But still, you were not of the ones who liked me :P Anyway, I still have nothing against you, thx for educating me, I got what you meant either. It's time to sleep. Goodnight.
the only guy I've always hated on the fucking internet is critik (for hacking my msn account I had created years and years ago), gn8 =)
wtf, no I don't

didn't read the journal, but no I don't
You sure do! the picture proves it
you stole it :<
What's on the internet is free! You should know that by now. Unless copyrighted, yours doesn't have a ™ sign or © w/e :D
don't make me edit the pic!
image: 2qx9ao2

malchik pidar
^^ your comment sucks!
something strange happened to your english
64 points for moi
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