Metro 2033 the Game

Metro 2033,
was a million best-seller in Russia, written by Dmitry Glukhovsky
he was born in 1979 (Russia), he studied Journalism at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Today he works as Journalist for the TV-Channel "Russia Today" and reports about Algeria, Iceland, Luxembourg and Kasachstan, Dmitry Glukhovsky speaks English, French, German, Hebrew and Russian fluently, he works and lives in Moscow.

The Roman is about Moscow in 2033 after a atom-war which started in 2008(probably with the U.S.A), the whole city Moscow and most parts of Russia are radioactive and there is no way to live because of the radioactivity and the mutants, the only way to stay alive was living in the metro.

Check the website yourself( sorry for my bad English, hopefully you guys became somehow interested into the book the movie and the game which will be released about it!(Info: I just read the book and really[...] if you understand the sense of the book its awesome[...] the ending is the best ending I've ever read or seen in a book or a movie[...] sad but still interesting!)

Here the first footages of the Alpha Version:,697910/Metro-2033-Neues-Video-und-frische-Screenshots-zum-Grusel-Shooter/PC/Video/Here is another (newer) footage of the game.

Greetz to my favorite countries Russia<3Poland<3Germany
Shoutout to Daenji, Jago, Gunny, Lover, Immortal & Cisy!
got the url wrong
please dawg arrange a new LAN party
This game is out?
Not yet, but it'll be released in April of 2010.
I heard there also will be a release for XBox360 so, of course for PS3, too. :)
I saw on a forum that its only on xbox360,PC and that it has been withdrawn for ps3
Oh okay, but as far as you have a PC there is no problem. :p
I think the game will be close to S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl,
which is the best game I ever played, since i know THQ is Metro2033's producer.
never back to russia....
tbh that looks terrible, the voice over sounds terrible, i just think it's terrible!
mh sounds nice maybe i gonna buy this book today
There are already 2 books of it, Metro 2033 and Metro 2034, if you become interested in this book you should buy the 2nd part too because the story will go on.
Have fun with it :).
i bought the first one earlier today :) seems to be fucking amazing
True man! I wish I could tell you the ending... thats the most fucking epic ending I ever read.. really. It's sad, you'll become addicted after reading the ending, you NEED the 2nd part! I'm already a total junky of this book. :)
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