CoD5 zombie!!!

need ppl for CoD 5 zombie!!
image: cod5_map_zombies or /q pur3[JALLAAAAA]
go to hell
nazi zombiezzzz
would love to play that again :o
it's utter shit, don't love it.
played it about a year ago, loved it back then atleast. played with 4 of us, was fun when it got harder(like level 20'ish). haven't played any other games like that either so i can't really comment how shit it is :p
yeah, and when it goes further the only gun you can kill with is that plasma/what ever gun.. pointless to shoot even with mg because they are super zombies. i admit it was fun for a night stance.
mowing down zombies with mg's was quite fun aswell, it wasn't really that hard to survive to the harder stages thanks to our awesome tactics. it does get boring rather quick tho, thankfully we didn't play it enough to get bored.
go play left4dead
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