Norwegian ET Players!

Im going to oslo in just under 3 weeks and i need somewhere reasonably priced and good to stay. going for the weekend 2 nights..

anyone helps i will love you forever!
ask eirik !
would you like some peppermint steak served?
go to sweden instead, you're gonna rape some more willing asses there.
/join #Vj
omg, the whiner from yesterday!
Norwegian ET players? I thought that was a myth :O
Norwegians are a myth!
fin? swe? ok
nor? :D:D:D:D::D:D
Visit almighty kaiz <3!
Why Norweigan ET players? Why not just Norweigans, what makes you think the ET players know where the best places to stay are?
why would you ask this on crossfire and not on some place where people actually got a clue what they are talking about?
h8er detected
#Vj - thats all he needs to know :).
what do you concider reasonable + nice? :P
reasonable prices! not talkin 100e a night
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