rifle up or down?

Rifle up or down @ suply 1st stage axis defense.

I had a little argue with my mayne Netherlands Jiggens.
He was playing rifle upstairs, and i said get down and play on the fucking stairs.

So the question= up or down ? and why!

maybe both?
stairs, rotating to up if necesary
Up, then come down in last 10 seconds
rifle should decide on his own
cicho bo wszystkim pokaze Twoj dmg na goldzie :D
rifle should do whatever he wants
I had a dream. A dream where the rifle can decide by his own where he wants to play.
actually i would say rifle should play as freelancer ..so were every he decides to be usefull.

if u stay @ one spot only the opponent rifle will figure that out and kill u pretty fast.
it also depends from where the opponent attacks.
it's much more frustrating to attack against a good rifle that plays up, but if your own rifle is any good, he should take him down easily :P
I prefer putting the rifle down when I'm defending, 3 up is too crowded
just go 2nd spawn and shoot Random rifles :)
I play down,
izi to get cave & izi to spam nades to gate.
behind barrels
tunnel only
We should burn than motherfucker!
On the east tower, shooting amazing rifles to braundorf's main gate.
the best poz.!!!!!
mix should be good
both but prefer down :)
up for me :)
depends on what rifle wants, where he feels better and also on his skill - up isnt for less skilled guys
rifle should do whatever he wants
zo ne wanabee gy he
says low+ wnb Jere
cu at the lan mr.SMGOWNER
komt dan af he snul
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