asd & match !

Today big bad United Kingdom Baggiez is gonna face Belgium Belgian Fraternity in ESL EMS.

What's your prediction?[/b]
image: 2zekrbn
Exciting business.
isn't it :D?
Well yes, that's why I said it.
nerds gonna get rolled
baggiez will deliver.
cheaters always win
my mom gonna cook
baggiez is not nice :(
big bad pestilence
should be an exciting match
I see toNi so i see a win
another fail incoming
how nice, but I realy doubt we can play anything this week tbh. :-p

don't think we are allowed to play with 3 mercs today :-p

btw. good "roll" at HoN yesterday hëhë x-D
:D yea was a nice game from swedes side :D, we fucked it up a bit, our heroes didn't fit but yea excuses :D
My prediction is that I wont' watch that match and I don't care about the score
ten noon to jakis niedojeb, jak wy kurwa cioty mozecie sie takimi rzeczami podniecac ja pierdole ...
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