HB praskOo

Hell yeah! The cortard pwnzor praskOo get a year older!

He finally managed to get 14 years old, so he's the most mature 14 year old nigger the et-community ever saw!

best wishes from me prasi :>

image: Katze-mit-Geburtstagstorte

special gift from kankkerii[/b]]image: _olvi-tuplapukki
Bow to the immortal prasko !
HB ! :)
Nek ti sretno prasko! :D
HB praskoo

I have nice gift just for you:

Edit: wtf cant post pics, will show it later.
gimme link @ irc and ill past it in the mainpost! \o/
hb :D

pocni;ni malo više et igrat :P
sve najbolje :D
hb ownator
hb, love u bro

u really only 14? :o
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