Polska, Poland, Polen

What the hell is he singing about?
polska, poland and polen would be my guess
"Nie wazne czy zyjesz w Niemczech czy nawet urodziles sie w Niemczech, mozesz i ty byc dumny z tego ze jestes Polakiem jak i twoj rodacy w naszej wspolnej ojczyznie!"
He's singing that Polish are trash.
polnische welle? :'D?

e: 7.11 , merk dir das!1^^
Singing about that Polish trash ( read: immigrants ) go to a foreign country and they forget about they own shitty country.
He's singing about Polish guys..;his love for poland(where he is born);he makes party in poland and not on mallorca.
one could thing he's a patriot.
seriously enough is enough. Idiot assi Türks and now this...do us all a favour and leave Germany if your own countries are so fucking much better..
welcome in the UNITED Europe. everyone can do whatever they want and you can't do shit about it ., so go and finish the last chapter of MEINKAMPF ,alright ?
My comment below...
"I'm from the UK..And I'm in Germany. AND I'm quite shocked about all these patriotic videos from Türks etc that are cropping up all over the place. They are done to provoke. I'm for integration, always have been, that's what I've done in Germany but i don't go out making rap songs in German about how fucking great the UK is.."

Get it???
u needed turks in 80s and u actually were inviting them and now ur complaining , say wooot?
we needed them in the 60s and they were supposed to leave again afterwards :) but they didnt want to because life was much easier here
still, inviting them and asking to leave after they do their job was kinda unfair
It would've been unfair if they weren't told it was temporary.
none would want them to leave if they could behave
but most of them cant, that's why I want them to go. we cant even deport criminal foreigners

and they knew it was only temporarily
i have no idea how they behave , so i will pass right here.
You don't get it do you??? FFS People are asking them TO INTEGRATE and not get all patriotic about where they came from!
How would you react if some1 would come to you and told you to forget crap about queen and other stuff and start integrating with yermans ? They live in germany , cos indeed it might be easier but still they remember where they came from :< , stop zeh hate ;D
To be honest I don't really give a shit about the Queen etc. I love my country yes, but I also love Germany that has accepted me into it's society...simple...I see no reason to go out flying my Union Jack and rappin about the fucking queen, fish and chips and Coronation Street...Get the point already will you ffs
I'm from the UK..And I'm in Germany. AND I'm quite shocked about all these patriotic videos from Türks etc that are cropping up all over the place. They are done to provoke. I'm for integration, always have been, that's what I've done in Germany but i don't go out making rap songs in German about how fucking great the UK is..
he himself? I bet he never invited any immigrant to his country. His government did, but since when is he responsible for the decisions his government makes?
since he has german nationality
I don't actually, I've happily integrated into German society you might say. I'm British.
The Dutch government decided to open our borders for foreigners as well so when was this my responsibility? Did I invite them in?

How ignorant are you?
never said it was ur call ors, just said decision ur goverment makes influences u in that way or other, it was always like that and nothing gonna change in nearest future so complaining @ internationa (XD)l site, where most of ppl dont give a crap about turk-germans problems is kinda bullshit :<

i cant understand a word from zeh song , not gonna say anything =[
Decisions my government makes influences me? In what way exactly?

And I'm not complaining here, I was merely responding to your strange statements where you say the decision your government makes are your responsibility. Because that's just bullshit.
hes just mad because his girlfriend and his mother work at the reperbahn
Just like your mother, that will be the reason why you've been born.
u also mad because your sister came to germany for the same reason?
I'm born in Germany, like my whole family exepted my father.
By the way: I have no sister.

Now die and fuck off fag. Hahaha.

Stop answering me before your retarded brain freezes, you're under my niveau, bye.
youre just as mad as this mad rapper
typical nazi
Wonder why Dutchies and Germans are posting here only.
because we suffer most from scum like that.
Aren't you BUSTED?
wat? are you drunk? Oo
No, just didn't know what to say, since there are that many cheaters it was atleast a 50/50 chance.
This has nothing to do with nazism.
so why doesnt he just go back to poland if it's so much better?

fucking hypocrites srsly.
that didnt make any sense.
not for my question
nor for my statement
I mean his song is just patriotic, he doesn't say Poland is better than Germany, he just loves his country.
and why do you think he's singing it in German??? rofl, another who don't get the point.
you sir, are of limited intelligence, I won't even bother with a real answer..
he sings about how great everything is in poland, women, beer, all his people living there, i'm asking you why is he still living here then and why is he singing in german ?!
it might be patriotic but i dont want fucking foreign patriotics in germany, i want people integrating into german society and showing a degree of humility for a foreign country who has given them a new home, money and education
i fucking forced me to listen to it twice now, you cant demand from the to listen to it a third time
what is wrong with that? If he were saying how shit germany is, then sure, kindly gtfo, but if he's just saying that he thinks poland rocks, what's wrong with that?

Oh and how were you "forced" to listen to it twice exactly? Did someone put a gun to your head or threaten to slice your testicles of if you didn't listen to it?
well, you need to read between the lines in this song, but he also sings some passages openly about how dishonorable germans are

everything he says is meant in contrast to germany, mostly not openly, but if you think about it you'll recognize

do you speak german?

i said i forced myself to listen to it, not anyone else did so directly, thats true
i just could have left this journal, yes, but i'm sick and tired of all this nasty people i needed to express myself
I speak a little german but can not understand everything and can't really speak it, but I do understand enough to follow a song or simple conversation.

Didn't really find anything in the song where he is dissing germany so I must've missed that.

Personally I wouldn't care enough. As long as it's just a song, I wouldn't care.

I'm Dutch and there is tons wrong with our country. Wether I say that or wether someone who is not originally Dutch says that, should not make any difference.
as i said, he's not openly stating that but inbetween the lines
and clearly, there are many things wrong here in germany which have nothing to do with foreigners. but he's not refering to that, he's only refering to the "bad" situation of poles in germany

seriously, dont get me wrong, i've got friends with a foreign background, but they adopt, they integrate. i dont hate foreigners, i hate people doing shit in my country, mugging and murdering old people in the streets, bullying children and killing people who are about to help them.
clearly there are also germans who to that, they're not better, not at all. but they mostly get influenced by foreigners. but everything hasnt to much to do with them being foreigners, but rather it's a cultural conflict and a problem of how you've been brought up
i .... eeeeeeee agree with u 100%, tbh living in germany is probably better than living in poland, everything is better except girls and beers ofc :)
well, you might be right about the girls, but not about beer! ;D

there's nothing wrong with patriotism as long as you're living in your own country. there's also nothing wrong with some grade of decent patriotism when you're living outside of your native country. but not like shown in this vid and every single day in every german city (not refering to your reply btw, just wanted to state that out :p )
yep, its simple - u dont like it, get the fuck out. same goes for e.g. germans in poland, estonians in kongo etc ..
you're one of the first to get that in this journal i think :P
thank you for that!
fucking german trash, brainless morons
youre an idiot like Quazz and infect, you know?
Jesus Christ spot the sarcasm, wiseman.
alez wyczulem, ale to nie jest powod by cie nie obrazic, pozdrawiam smieciu :)
widocznie srednio, 'superblanik' :O?
That is just fucking stupid
havent met any unfriendly polak in germany yet. cant say the same thing about arabs/turks :\
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