Windows 7 - The Differences

I have found a very interesting list showing the differences and capabilities of different Windows 7 versions on the internet and would like to share them with you :)

To avoid overseeing my last sentence at the end, I'll put it at second place. What do you think is the best Windows 7 version for your needs?

Personally, I think Windows 7 Home Premium would be fairly enough for my needs.

image: 8vyp93
image: ifu3r9
got professional, brb installing
Can you steal some keys from your uni mates?

My Quest for keys is not going so well.
Windows XP

Enough said.
this journal is about what Windows 7 version you would choose, not which OS you'd like to choose ;) I'll use XP Professional SP3 till the the first Service Pack for Windows 7 and a proper accelfix will be released.
Doesn't the CPL mousefix work on Windows 7?
accelfix > CPL mousefix
Screw this, all the the real pro gamers use mousefix.reg including Fatal1ty and stermy.
I used to play with accelfix.exe and I just switched to mousefix.reg, feels better in my opinion.
placebo, there are different mouse fixes. the cpl one is shit, but there is one another which is used on LAN's nowadays instead of it, the cheese one which has a fix for every monitor refresh rate and a better cpl mousefix (the original had a bug). accelfix is better anyway :)
why u wait for the first sp, windows 7 is running realy good, when xp or vista came out there much guys got much problems but with win7 i got no problems....

v1b3z0r and u just need to decide what u need and what u don't need. i got professional it good enough for a home computer
because I want the most obvious bugs to be solved already, security is very important for me.
first u dont need a ccelfix on win7

2nd if security is so important for you: your browser has more bugs and security holes than win7 or win xp sp3 or what ever OS u want to choose. its not like your os is the main problem.. every program u install is the problem. a messenger (msn,irc) , a ftp server , a browser, winamp, itunes

and if its about your logins -> most of your pw´s will be stolen via some forum/page beeing exploited. there they get the .sql file where your mail & pw (which u chose for registering at that page) are saved. I guess u will have on some sites the same password as u have it in mail/steam/msn/...

i wont even start with the possibilty of having a trojaner / pw-stealer installed/started with every crack u download :P Check the crack.exe from different download links.. eventough they seem to be all the same cracks they have different md5 hashes.. means that the .exe has got changed somehow. e.g. binding a trojaner/pw-stealer + crack.exe. Your av & firewall wont dedect it. And if it would dedect it the trojaner got updated already and is undedectable again, or its a pw-stealer which steals all logins + keys and deletes itself after it.

Seriously.. the ones who know about a win7 security hole are like 0,1% of all the guys trying to infect you with smth or steal your pw through sites.

@edit: but i agree that there are bugs on win7 which need to be fixed with a sp. But i havent found any bug which you cannot fix on your own (e.g. if u use the windows calibrate tool , the windows photo viewer will be slow). So this isnt really a reason for me to wait for a sp before i use win7
huh it does from what I heard and even if the CPL mousefix is available for Windows 7 it still fells different than the accelfix.

that's the reason I have a minimum of programs installed on my PC and am using Secunia PSI. I'm also not using the most popular programs, so I'm not the main target mostly :)

Secunia PSI tells me the following about my browser, Firefox:

Though until yesterday it had a yellow outline due to Firefox (3.5.3) itself, but the new one (3.5.4) fixed the flaw and it's all fine at the moment.

I don't have to worry about that, I use two e-mails and two passwords depending on the site. One of them is a serious one with a 16 letter password (e.g. ebay, allegro..) and the other one is for all the shit which isn't that serious (e.g. crossfire, gamestv, demonoid..). Of cause I'm using a different password for the other one.

I just don't have to switch to the new Windows yet and that's why I'm waiting without any pressure, I could even wait till a second Service Pack :)
hm i only unchecked "enhance pointer precision" and unchecked the "accel" in the razer-driver. no accel anymore.

hm i´m not sure if "noname programs" have less bugs & security holes than rly common programms :P But ofc you arent the main target anymore :)
Oh I'm not using any no-name programs, just programs which tend to be less popular than the most popular ones.

The purpose of these fixes is to completely abolish any mouse acceleration imposed by *certain* application and games' utilization of the Windows cursor acceleration curve, regardless of whether "Enhance pointer precision" is disabled. It was previously believed that Windows itself forced the unwanted acceleration, but some newer games, not written with DirectInput (an API not prone to the problem in the first place), do not experience this problem; in games such as Call of Duty 4 and Challenge Q3 unchecking "Enhance pointer precision" results in *zero* forced acceleration. However, many popular games are still plagued by this problem and mouse fixes like these are still relevant today.

Windows' cursor acceleration curve dictates how much mouse scaling is applied to the output cursor movement based on how large, or fast, the inputs from the mouse are. This relationship, under ideal (and obtainable) circumstances would be 1-to-1--one count of the mouse (a mouse typically outputs anywhere from 400 to 2000 counts per inch, or DPI) sent to Windows is registered as the cursor moving one unit. A unit is represented on the Windows desktop by a pixel, but games represent a unit as an arbitrary number, defined by your sensitivity, that is added to a vector made up of large, high-precision, floating-point numbers, representing the direction your player is facing in-game.

The Windows acceleration curve is defined by five points on an X/Y graph rather than a continuous equation. The coordinates of these points are stored in two registry keys: SmoothMouseXCurve and SmoothMouseYCurve. The first point is always (0,0) and if any mouse movement goes beyond the finite definition of the curve, the curve is simply extrapolated using the last two points. The default curve roughly takes the shape of an exponential function, but if one were to change the curve to abolish mouse acceleration it would have to take the shape of a straight line. Also note that Windows scales the Y coordinates by the computer screen's refresh rate, typically 60Hz to 120Hz.

There have been two previous attempts by third-parties to fix this problem, both of which were successful but each had their own disadvantages. The first popular fix to come about was the "CPL mousefix", a .reg file that changed the acceleration curve to a mostly straight line. Aside from the *minute* imperfections in the acceleration curve, the Hz scaling effect, explained in the previous paragraph, causes the users sensitivity to scale in accordance with the screen's refresh rate. This means that cursor outputs using the CPL Mousfix are rarely, if ever, perfect 1-to-1 representations of the actual mouse's outputs. The imperfections in the line, in theory, cause inconsistant mouse movement, but they are so small they aren't noticable by anyone--thus the CPL mousefix does a perfectly decent job of eliminating all mouse acceleration.

The second fix is much more robust than the CPL Mousefix, or even my own. Anir's accelfix.exe works by removing mouse acceleration from the drivers that cause it in the first place. It's invasive, potentially unsafe in clumsy hands (absolute retards), and generally isn't allowed at non-BYOC LANs and Tournaments because of this. Otherwise, Anir's fix yeilds perfect 1-to-1 mouse movements under every circumstance.

My fix aims to fill the gap between the two. When used correctly, it will provide the 1-to-1 mouse movements of Anir's fix while operating on the widely accepted principles of the CPL mousefix. It works by having many different acceleration "curves" which, in this case, are *perfectly* straight lines that account for most screen refresh rates users game with and can be easily modified for the refresh rates I didn't include. I've included many other .reg files for other feels and testing purposes--read INSTRUCTIONS for explanations. Ideally, someone will come around, analyze my work, and code a program that can sit in the system tray and automatically change the acceleration graph when the screen's refresh rate changes on-the-fly. I see something like that as being a very strong fix that is acceptable by LANs and Tournaments.
uff to long too read :P

i just dont feel any accel in any game or at windows. and the latest razer drivers disables negative accel. So it feels the same as it felt on xp / vista :)
@edit: atleast for me :o
I already read opinions telling that there is a small difference between that and the CPL mousefix, I don't know if the difference is positive (accelfix) or if it fells even worse than the CPL mousefix. I'm very sure though that when I'll switch to Windows 7 there will already be a perfect fix released, which the accelfix is for me on Windows XP.

And I don't have a Razer mouse, I have a Logitech MX518 and it feels fine for me. I don't really like the shape of the deathadder (the only ergonomic [right hand profiled] mouse by razer). If I wouldn't have the possibility to go for the MX518 again I would choose the SteelSeries Ikari Optical :)
The best way to disable mouse accel is manually editing reg

>Open the registry and go to HKEY_Current_User/Control Panel/Mouse. Then, edit the
>following keys:
>00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00
>00 40 01 00 00 00 00 00
>00 80 02 00 00 00 00 00
>00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00
>00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>66 A6 02 00 00 00 00 00
>CD 4C 05 00 00 00 00 00
>A0 99 0A 00 00 00 00 00
>38 33 15 00 00 00 00 00

ok, thanks
kinda logical
well, if you won't pay than yes. but unlike you (true?) I would like to have an original OS which would ensure updates on a daily basis...
The cracked ones also update on a daily basis...
I didn't know ;p
Nice lists, probably after a while there'll be a better understanding of what is handy to have and what is useless :>
Can we install crt ini profil ? Because on w7 rc2 it was not possible for my iiyama vision master pro 514.
say whut o.O
everything less than the best is not acceptable
k going install ultimate today
got ultimate
i guess win7 prof. got everything u would ever need :P if u still need some crypter get axcrypt or truecrypt. I guess they are faster, more secure and besides that for free :P
got windows 7 Professional! fucking fast!
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