i put up both of my..

really high skilled fragmovies .. :)

since ppl ask me of them all the time!

beneath the surface by kakis (2005)


eye of the riflenader by nillan (2007)

here are the movies on own3d ; http://www.own3d.tv/user/gobar

I also wrote a small blog text on own3d.. :) http://www.own3d.tv/blog/i-put-up%21,87.html

enjoy and flameon !
awesome xD!
don't spam that shit game to that site, leave those mb's to something more interesting kthxbb
and who are you ? :<
ET has got a boost since the rtcw2 game sucked!

btw im never really serious , those who know me will tell you the same .. :)
"rtcw2" i lol'd man and ET? that game is fucking shit!
your opinion thou , not mine ..
hf@stone age mister.
eye of the riflenader, xDDDDDDDD
how to see the blog?
actually it died when all the swedish clans went dead .. :)

but since then we have had like 3 nc:s and 4 ec:s etc .. even if it like died 2006 or something . :)

guess ppl will play it for e few years more .. even if its dead .
nice! now i have something to do in school
got bored, bloodsplatter, shit config, shit colours, nice kill text delay xD just pathetic ¬_¬

0/10 for everything
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