strength programs for gym

Since I've got my gym card for the new opened gym I need some programs besides the ones I used at the former one (Since the progress is veeery slow with them)

So you know any sites that has some good programs? I prefer not more practice then every 2nd day since I don't got time for more then that.

image: obelix
ask Sweden jezzEn
as the coach there? why the hell are you coming to a PC gaming community i just cant see the logic
because aim is muscle :D
Well because I know that there a actually a lot on this community that are doing gym aswell, so I wanted them to reply if they had some nice sites, besides the ones im using already.
mmost of them are big mouthers
ask n00n lol xd
doesnt really metter, if you go every 2nd day then 2 bodyparts will be fine..
All the pressure on the arse.
your asking crossfire for these sort of questions?
Deadlift squat and bench and shut the fuck up
nerds shouldn't go to gyms
Do you follow a diet? Power training is 20% weight lifting and 80% food.
i would say more like 50/50
Well, without good eating habits the power training is totally useless...
thats why its 50/50 :)
Krosan is right.. its about 20/30 - 80/70! food
if u would only eat and not train u will build only fett :)
if u would train but not eat properly, u would build muscles but bad.
Thats why a good food plan is very important, and the training is a must!
thats why I would say its 50/50
omfg i just love these topics xDDDDD
if u speak german there is a good site ;)
I can, can you give me the site?
2 month 15 rep sets --> 2 month 10-12 rep sets --> 2 month 3-6 rep sets.
every fourth week is off and you should just relax yourself.

5 sets in basic moves + 2-3 sets in other moves
monday: bench + weekly changing moves
wednesday: deadlift + weekly changing moves
friday: squat + weekly changing moves

try everything new with good control and right weights. i did get 15kg more to bench with this kind of program when i was younger. its really simple and didnt have any special shit so it worked.
woow 15kg more to bench, i got 65kilo more from the start xD
yes but since im not talented it was more than enough to me.
so how much you benching atm?
85kg own weight 65/67

i used to be really skinny, now i'm a muscle man :(
65-67kg is still pretty skinny if you ask me
ik val onder normaal gewicht, mijn vetpercentage is wel aan de te lage kant.. ik woog eerst 53.5 ofzo voordat ik begon met krachtraining.. in die tijd heel wat spiermassa gekweekt en vetpercentage ook nog met 1.6 naar beneden gegaan..

ik zie er iig niet meer skinny uit
53 :O, hoe lang ben je dan?
I started with 50kg
now I get 100kg and I weigh 75 myself :)
ask n00n.
ask alexl
this is for muscles not hax
or pills :p
oh :D my bad!!! just press as much iron as u can and be sure u don't work out the same muscles all the time then!! :D
n00n like a pudzian :D
damn i laugh at people who are trying to impress nerds with their gym threads..

if you would be really interested in this shit you'd already have the site and your plan, or else you would already have asked some good friend who knows the stuff, or else you'd already have asked something from real trainer
but no.. you come and make a journal at gaming site :D
1st - I do have sites, but I always like to mix them up and try to get something even better.
2nd - I'm paying less because I got no coach anymore, so no I can't ask him.
3rd - Yeah I ask on this sites because I've before seen many actually going to gym, so why not see if they know some godd stuff?

really you're a fagget
relax wanker, its my opinion, sorry if it disturbs u hAHAHA :D:D:D
as nonix said: 2 body parts a day if u go 3 times a week (add stomach whenever u want.. i prefer on the same day as i do legs + some other day).

my trainer gave me a new plan which looks like this:

1st day: bench + biceps (+stomach)
2nd day: legs + shoulders + stomach
3rd day: back + triceps + neck

this is pretty much the standart and same plan which i had before. But what is new:
bench = 4 exercises
biceps = 3
legs = changing every week (one week the front side, next week the back side) + calves
shoulder = 3
back = 4
triceps = 3

so pretty much exercises but i only do 2 (should do 1) real working set for each exercise.
e.g. bench
starting with 20kg , 40kg then working set 75kg = maxmimum weight so u can to it 8 times.
so it SHOULD be 25% , 50% , 110%
Not sure if this really is a good plan. Atm i do it like this:
40kg , then max weight , then a bit less so i can do 8 again.

but this rly is the wrong side for such questions :D ask your trainer maybe?
hi, how exactly do u train with this 3er split? Do u use every 2nd day pause or other way?
hm dunnow what exactly u mean but i go to gym on tuesday,thursday,saturday :P
ah, that means every muscle group 1 times/week
1 Bodypart pr. week - Is that enough tbh? Just a normal question if you're getting nice results of it?
google it
any decent gym got his own coaches to guid u
and make a program that suits u ....
Well I choose this because they don't - So it's more cheap :P
hehehe, we know the coach personally XD
lolz cheating :D
shhhhhh, not so loud XDDDDD
no problem, i forgive u <3
I went to the gym today and there's a new machine there. I only used it for about an hour and then I started to feel sick.

But it's great, it's got KitKats, Mars Bars, Crisp's and everything in it!
I heard such machines get expensive :(
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