HB 2 sLaz

Happy Birthday to you , GermanysLaz!
I think that more than the half of the community know him from the past like at one4one decimated with his mates Mztik + co / Team Helix ( Bendr , MechWorm...)

So you guy , ofc deserve a "HB" post :>

hf mate , enjoy this day!

image: happy-birthday
Happy birthday :)

and bene get life
hb m8 :)
hb..hey its my birthdayd aswell :)
HB Argentina Maradona aswell!
...also known for joining up some teams and disappearing after couple of days :|
but gl anyway :)
happy birthday buddy <3
HB sLaz the super owner
:O Herzlichen Glückwunsch
thanks mates ;)
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