rBlz's worthless journals.

Hi good folks of crossfire (:D).

I know I haven't been keeping you up to date on my life which is probably one of the most sad things you've come along to yet.

So I've been quite busy with studying my exams since I'm doing two years at once, although I succeeded and now I got some time to play video games again and keep you posted. Apart from the regular occupations, girlfriend, parties etc. You know the dance. As I am currently a little activer than usual I've got some time to do newswriting again and I've been brushing up my English aswell. So I'm not looking for something too active, like 1~2 articles / week tops!

I can do more than that but, it'll cost you.. Nothing extravagant but small gesture will do the trick, something s.a. A bouncer, or a sixpack a month or something.. A small thing to show your appreciation for my effort. If you search crossfire on the name of vandereZ or rBl/rBlz you'll find some previous amateuristic work of me. I've improved alot since my latest articles or posts but you can check out my forum articles aswell, some recruitment posts I've made for myself, and for others.

Well, a good night to all of you and I hope you enjoyed.
gl. seems like nice guy
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