gta4 + microsoft

So basically Im trying to install gta4 on my PC.
Im already done with basic installation and now it require to install games for windows live, a microsoft product.

but when Im trying to download it fucking microsoft site is not working :X

does anyone can connect to their site ?
Is it only me who have that problem or wtf is going on?
Any solutions, working links for games for windows live ? :( i want to paly :/

edit: it had to do with some combofix shit and 2 trojans, I hope now everything is ok ;P
you're talking about the socialclub account I think.
It's not needed, you can skip the login and play the game without.

And yes I can go to their website o0?

i just cant skip that part ;P it starts with clicking on gta4.exe, im skipping the login part and getting this :( and i still cant connect to their site, this is the strangest part. Im getting insta connecting error to their site (its not even connecting to it)
So if you click OK, it closes the whole thing again?
Well there's a link to rockstargames website for the update, try that.
ye, and @ rockstar site there's an update, but you have to dl it from ms site :XD
can't connect there sometimes too, just reset your router. Reboot should also work.
both of them dont work. I mean the site is not even loading, its insta connecting error. dunno about it :(
finally someone banned poland then :DDDDD
unfortunately not, I scanned my computer with avira, it has detected 2 trojan's and deleted them, now everything works fine ;P
what kind of trojan was it?
one guy @ pc forum wrote to me that it was CONFICKER ;P
dunno what does it mean, i just saw trojans and deleted them.
ohh, if you've had a a flash drive in your pc or something similar don't use it again if you don't want the virus back :p
does anyone can connect is be own.
Cant you just create a offline windows acc?
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