wat the fack

image: 609289978
wat the fack
i got 14.43 mb/s and 0.41 mb/s i own you fu
image: 609295198

now shut up.
how is it possible to have such a fucking fast internet?
I have a Ziggo All-in-one-Extra connection. Right now it's 50mbit down and 5 mbit up.. before the end of the year it will be 80mbit down and 10mbit up.. and later in 2010 it will be 120mbit down.

Gotta love docsis 3.0 cable connections.

Oh well.. Optic fibre for the win in the future I guess.
nice ping m8
the test servers are too slow for my 100Mbit connection
but stfu now
image: 100mbit
image: 609302483
I got owned by everyone :D
I'm online with my internet stick because the T-Com bastards didn't show up at the last date. I'm currently waiting for another date.
nioce are u unhittalbe?
The server drops/kicks me within 2 minutes.
I can join a team and write a bit with huge lags.
I cannot run/shot.
image: 609314125

who beats me :o
make journal with pingtest.net
upload 34,85 Mb/s
lol for sure .
its haydar
ps: we need a server for our the LLI ;)
image: 609340299

R u fucking kidding me?
HAHA It's like who has the biggest dick
I actually only wanted to draw attention to my absurd ping D:
HAHAHA ME IZ DUTCH POLAK !!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!1!!!!Q!
image: 609350909
my inet suck, so i dont even have to make a test -.-
image: 609390499

image: 2241431

Fucking pwnage!
mine is better
image: 2244279
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