Brushing up my Polish


So I've been keeping you a bit more up to date recently and as current events pass by I am in the need of crossfire's Polish department.. I'm trying to seduce a girl, who's from Polish origin and I've already come up with this clever sentence but it has some flaws to it and I was wondering if you could help me out, thehe.

The sentence would be:

"nie mam dobrego poczatkowego slowa , ale ty masz otwor a mi sie chce"
"nie mam dobrego poczatkowego slowa , ale ty masz otwor a mi sie chce ciebie jebac "

I can't translate it to English cause the clue wouldn't work but still i'm hoping to get some nice idea's, thanks

<ViciouS_> nie mam dobrego poczatkowego slowa , ale ty masz otwor a mi sie chce
<ViciouS_> whats wrong with this sentence
<koval`> lol :D
<ViciouS_> i know
<ViciouS_> its a clever one
<koval`> wait
<ViciouS_> seducing a polish girl :d
<koval`> "ale ty masz otwor a mi sie chce" omg OUT ;/
<ViciouS_> omg out ?
<koval`> it offends
<ViciouS_> noo :d
<ViciouS_> its cool :d
<koval`> XDDDDDDDD
<koval`> ok :D
<ViciouS_> U get what im trying to say, right ?
<koval`> I want to offend or what?
<ViciouS_> nooo
<ViciouS_> i mean
<ViciouS_> I don't have an openings line, but U have an opening and I am horny
<ViciouS_> but
<ViciouS_> it only works in dutch :(
<ViciouS_> openingszin = openingsline
<ViciouS_> but zin = mood for sex
<ViciouS_> like horny
<ViciouS_> u get where im going? :d
<koval`> aaaaa XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!
<koval`> ok
<koval`> :xd
vandereZ, jebiesz jeze.

lol seducing
"Nie znam dobrego slowa zeby to powiedziec, ale jestem gejem, a tobie sie chce"

should work fine.
hahahah omg xD u will tell her like that, u will get slap in ur face xD
that would work out great!
just cock slap her
na pieska kurwa pitshka ?
just go for someone with your language r-tard
"nie wiem dokladnie jak Ci to powiedziec , ale ty masz otwor ale i tak nie zaladuje bo mam za malego poza tym lubie jebac w kake ministrantow"

should be okay :)
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