Poker tournament in Holland

Hey I'm seriously consider leaving on Friday 6th of November for...


Master Classics of Poker, Amsterdam 6.-14.11.2009

...which is like the top #1 poker tournament in Holland and televised and fucking epic&awesome and stuff. The main event is a 6k€ buyin Texas Holdem freezeout and I plan on playing that, and the 1k€ PLO event at least.

Well anyway can any of you recommend

1) a hotel to stay at for 8 days or smth

2) a way to travel from Finland to Amsterdam and back. I'm thinking an aeroplane might be the wisest choise, but which company?

PS: last 2 weeks -220k$
PSS: this is mainly an attention whoring journal
lennä KLM:llä menee 3 kertaa päiväs ja hinnat alinta luokkaa
I'm not doing well in FTOP warmup :(.

/edit ,

Dealer: Nerd finishes in 4903th place and wins: $10
pm the 50/50 strategy and ill answer 1 & 2 for you!
Start to play using real moneyz!
eMoney :) - Are you over 18?
I don't think they'd give me a special permission to play if I was underage :O
;) right :x gl & hf

You could donate some bucks for my new project :x
Awesome dude.
Good luck in the tournament.
just buy your own airplane, seems you haVE the moneyz $$$$
how much money did you earn already?
flying with finnair would cost you around 302€, round trip!
Atm just +50k$ (in 6 months), pretty much lost all the money I had during the last two weeks :-D

And no I'm not going to go emo over it like this .
well, streak of bad luck :-) will be better soon hopefully!
did you find any cheaper tickets than finnair provides?
ota mut rattopojaks messii
dont spend 2 much money

or you ll be poor soon
PS: last 2 weeks -220k$

Yep, a 25000 hand stretch of absurdly bad luck :P
I have a zen-like calm way of thinking nowadays... it's kinda essential in this game
Unless the streak continues, you fall into debt, forced to sell drugs and then are killed in a gang-related shooting.
I tripled my stack from 100 to 300 and a bit 3 days ago!
you dont need information
"PSS: this is mainly an attention whoring journal "
Its surely great overall to win real and mainly a lot of money with poker, but I have two questions:

How do you sleep at night?
How do you feel after losing very much money in one hand?

This would surely not be something for me, my heart would be in a worse condition than the one of a 100-year old.
"How do you sleep at night?"

Just as well as I used to. Poker doesn't affect me in that sense anymore... It took 1,5 years to learn that, though

"How do you feel after losing very much money in one hand?"

Just like after losing a duel in ET... Disappointed in myself if it was due to my mistake, slightly annoyed if there was no mistake but it was ridiculously unlucky... And no hard feelings at all if the hand plays out normal
Erasing all your emotions like this cannot be too healthy, atleast I think so.
In my case I suppose it's what makes me human.

But you got all my respect for it anyway. :)
I disagree: feeling (too) emotional about $ money is simply sick. Well yeah, I am atm a little bit pissed after losing 220k$, but it's not the end of the world by any means. I'm actually more mad about the fact that I've got no potato chips left :<

Btw my poker career is a whole lot more swingy than say, the career of Kotkis :P I always play

1) the highest stakes I can afford (5% of bankroll in one table)
2) Pot Limit Omaha which is a ridiculous game
3) a maniac aggressive style, like a young scandinavian is supposed to

Some poker professionals have steadier income than people working usual jobs - they play 12 tables at once, 8 hours per day, at Texas Holdem full ring which is a boring robotic game :P I can't be bothered to become one of them, though... for obvious reasons
all the best poker players play aggressively!
Eastgate isn't aggresive :(
That's a good point. It is something positive someone can have. To stay calm eventhough losing alot of money in a short period of time.
But I couldn't do that. It would drag me down so hard. I mean, 220k? Are you shitting me? :D

Anyway, good for you guys, may the next hand be with you. ;)
gotta agree with Vanhaomena about that one. if you get too sad too often because of money when playing poker, you definitely should NOT play. it doesn't necessarily mean that if you don't get sad because of losing, you're totally emotionless. it's more like a great attribute more often than not.

if I lose some thousands @ poker, I feel pretty calm myself. got some other things I might tilt for, though.
That's a good point. It is something positive someone can have. To stay calm eventhough losing alot of money in a short period of time.
But I couldn't do that. It would drag me down so hard. I mean, 220k? Are you shitting me? :D

Anyway, good for you guys, may the next hand be with you. ;)
QuoteThis would surely not be something for me, my heart would be in a worse condition than the one of a 100-year old.

+ you don't eat vegetables, so that + this = instadeath

Anyway, I'm off to coop to make that breafeast!
Shouldn't you be at uni?
have you ever played at huge finnish poker tourney?
il beleive it when i see it. im talking a sign saying HELLO CROSSFIRE.NU when the cameras are on you.
There's like a 3% chance of me ever getting filmed, since there are ~300 players and the cameras will follow the top10 only... But you can bet your ass I'll give a nice and juicy shoutout to crossfire if I get interviewed
image: poker


edit: gl at the tournament
In stead of losing 220 K online you should've started building a different bankroll for live tourney's which will get you much further than online cashgames..

Like when you have 150K -> use 50 K for offline tourney's and continue with the other 100 to play online etc..
He should rather play a lot more Live tourneys and try do well in them, and then later on he will get a great chance to get a sponsor that will support him with all the stuff he needs for the tourneys - Online Cash Games and all that should just be some kind of preparation for those tourneys.
Are you looking for comfort or some backpacker shit? Hotel near Holland casino would be a + i guess. My grandmother used to stay here and it's only like a 2 min walk from venue. It does look a LOT more classy than it used to be and it will set you back around 95 euro a night for the cheapest room

e: availability is not too great though since somedays are booked full during 6-14.
amtel hotel
amstel hotel :DDDD
most luxe hotel in the netherlands :D
50/50 tax
use 100/0 tax
What the program called where your gonna play in?
Okura hotel if you want to chill out...
Pretty expensive though I doubt he needs that much luxary.
if he can afford the tourney, he might as well be comfortable
Im going next week to Casino Copenhagen to play in a Satellite for exactly the same tournament so perhaps cya there :)

And Im in the final tabel of the ECPokerTour Malta which I really hope I can get since this includes 5k$ for travel/pocketmoney and all that which would be awesome since I've never been in Malta.
Good luck adi! :)
Thanks! :)
pretty impressive
i wish u a lot of success there...since any "noob" here wishes gl which is misplaced ;)

btw i spent 2 evenings @ Holland Casino Venlo 2 weeks ago - it was a great weekend, lost €160 @tourney and won €250 @cashgame
it was a great athmosphere with 80% german players - though the anti-smoker-laws in Holland r even more aweful than in germany
check easyjet mate. always cheap solutions. not sure if they cover finland tho
oisko maistunu ostaa 200k kämppä ja vuokraa sitä jollekki ja sit voisit hyväl mielel pelaa sillä 60k ja saada samal vuokraa =) vaikka voittaiski paljo ni kannattaa silti se pää ottaa perseestä pois ennen ku käy huonosti :)
ohanse aika jossittelua. ainaha kannattais lopettaa ennen tappioputkee hei! :D se vaan et semmosel "lopeta ajoissa" -ideologialla tonne ei ois koskaa noussukkaa.
tyhmyyttä se vaa on. siin kohtaa ku on se 200k ni voi miettii et hei sijotan puolet täst vaik kämppää ja pelaan sil 100k.. luulis et tommone pro sadal tonnil pystyy viel iha hyvin pelaa : D ainaki tuntuu tol 50k pystyvän pelaamaa iha hyvin atm :> ei siin kukaa pakota mitään lopettamaan, kuha pistää vähä säästöön..
no mut jos haluu koittaa et pääsiskö miltsiin 8-l
fifty fifty is best at that too
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