
Hello there,

So I'm planning to go on skiing with some friends..
Where would you guys advice me to go? Or certainly not go?
Me myself, I'm skiing since I was 4y old, but couple of my friends have only done it a couple times. So we are looking for both hard and easy areas.

I've already been to Sölden, Gurgl, Val Thorens and Dolimiti (Italy). So I would like to go somehwere else now.

Have a nice day!
les deux alpes --> a lot of students + wild parties
Les 3 valées is nice for skiing/snowboarding but if you want aprés ski, i woud advice Austria because in France it's not that good :)

This year i'm going to Austria Mayrhofen in February & Austria Obergürgel in March
ober&hoch gurgl is still my favorit, but made a plan for myself to go to as much as places as possible. (a lot of 'as' there)
& apres-ski is bad in France, that's true. :D
Surely go to Austria Austria, just cause the food is fucking delicious ^^ (wienerschnitzle, tiroler grustl, kaiserschmarren, knodel suppe etc ;p)

The places that I love in austria are: Solden, Hochgurgl, Ischgl,...
Ischgl, been there in March! Very nice place :p

Kuhstahl :p
nice ski-area? I mean for low-skilled skiing & high skilled?
both I guess, ik ski nu al 12jaar ofzo en de zwarte pistes daar zijn deftige zwarte pistes en ge hebt ook echt veel offroad pistes etc. en echt een heel groot skigebied, dikken aanradar :)
Deep-snow (whatever it's called in English) is fucking awesome in Ischgl. Never saw a better place to go offpiste without risking too much! Just G R E A T
yeah agree, my brother, kakker fex even followed lessons with some other people to go "safe" offroad etc :p he said it was sick
well actually its everywhere quite nice in case theres deepsnow. but ure right, in ischgl its not that risky too...
Both... and it certainly depends on weather conditions :p
Last March we had snow 4 out of 6 days so very hard for snowboarding.
You can't compare it with Les 3 vallées ofcourse but it's big enough to entertain yourself for a week!
Knodel suppe should be "Pressknödelsuppe" - disgusting :[
and ur Grustl is a "Gröstl" if u mean the mixed meal with potatoes, onion, Leberkäse and some herbs - delicious :]

try the Germknödel!!! :)

image: 080603pressknoedel002 image: 198_Tiroler%20Groestl
I mean speckknodel suppe, tiroler grustl is idd delicious :D
by skiing you mean skiing or skiing?

go iceskating, more interesting :D

go in France or Austria
gay go boarding!
snowboarding is so 2003
*Giving a rats-ass*
check out the cube hotels. loads of fun and party people.
have a look at Austria Brixen
its a huge area connected to Austria Kitzbühel etc - but dont expect a cheap trip!
Kitzbühel is too low to be sure of good snow :s
Kitzbühl is just full of tourists who cant skii at all + its expensive.
any hill in austria is covered with noobs, but u r right, its the most expensive area in austria i think...but at least its such huge that i didnt ride any slope twice while a whole week :)
i remember a long trip which ended in a 45min-taxi-trip back home, that was awesome, i already thought i am close to italy^^
haha... what happens in austria - stays in austria x))
and how about this winter? where are u headed?
i stopped skiing 10 years ago xD
in the age of 18 i had to stop any sport cause of knee damage :(
Norway/Sweden cause of the chicks :)
check out Austria Ischgl.
Austria Obertauern...
i ve been there every year since i was 4 and it just has everything needed
Zell am see in austria is quality. great for beginners on the mountain next to the resort and great for more advanced skiiers on the glacier which 10,000 ft and 10 min bus travel away.
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