Where are you ENSAM?

Have you seen ensam lately? Haven't seen him since saturday? We should start hardcore practicing, but can't do it without ensam. I'm afraid our last game was too much for him...

Please contact me if you hear something.

image: fishing4
I don't care about busted cheaters who are still playing at a "high" level
and you play with fostrum?:)
I quited the team yesterday m8
Sorry didn't know that m8!
sad story :´(
Sad story.
i hope he killed himself
er hockt EINSAM in einer dunklen ecke und hält eine rasierklinge in der rechten hand
Thought he never left his house.
last night police arrested some guy near our house, wouldn't be surprised if it was ensam
like ensam left his pc alone...
maybe they got him because of warez?
who cares about idiots
plz tell me these are news for you?
Last Seen: Monday 2nd November 09

dont worry m8 :)
Saw him yesterday @ his home playing ET
I can find him... Just with couple of phonecalls i can make it happen.. Its just i need something for exchange...
i can pay you one nigger
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