i got some prob

I got windows7 @ 64 bit i havn't got any problem until now. So im playing cod4 and i got fps drops. I checked in taskmgr that iw3mp.exe eats 1,5 GB of my ram. i just reinstalled the game and same shit nothing changed. I had no problem with this before iw3mp.exe eats 700 mb of ram @ 64 bit normally.

What to do? please help :(
i dunno but i wanna say hello <3
hello schnee :D <3
i love schnee. luckily we have loads of you here in austria.
:) cant wait till i finally go to switzerland for boarding...

and i love ur hairs but we dont have it much here in germany :'(
switzerland? are out of your freaking mind? come to austria ;)
thx.. i thoughts its a quite common hairstyle tbh.
nah u r special... :)
well i was in austria allrdy twice i never was in switzerland, thats why i wanted to go there! i got an invite for boarding ;)
woot?woot?? i think u got smth wrong
u dont have to be jealous.
hairs=schamhaar btw ;)

i guess he got me right eh?! ;/
absolutly ;)

h3h3 :D
its just hungry.
Oo dunno, try directx/gfx card drivers reinstall
cant u set the max amount of ram in the config?

smth like com_hunkmegs in ET (or how ever that command is called) .. i think i once had some similiar problem with ET and fixed it like that. but that was ages ago so i´m nto sure :x
well nice idea but i had no problem with this like 4 days ago, i just come back and it sucks. nod32 did not find anything so i really dont know :(
well i dont know what cuases your problem but now you have it and need to fix it :P

try to set the amount of ram to the same value as it normaly was.. i think that will help. and i think u wont have this problem in other games (atleast i didnt had anywhere else than ET). if u have it in other games too u might set the max. ram there too.. but then i would seriously think about re-installing win7 :x

try ET,wolf,cod4,cod2,quake,etc.. if its only @cod4 and settings com_"maxram" works, np ? :P
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